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there was buzz all round the school about me today. the video, my anxiety, my family. i saw tammy today and she had a bruise on her face. i gasped and she begged me not to tell. i knew her mother would never do anything like this. i'd met her and she was the sweetest lady ever. she would never hurt her tammy. fucking bullies.

people kept asking for signed things from brendon but i refused. they were only talking to me because i was his kid. this caused them to get angered as do things do me. pushing me around, saying things. i tried to not let it bother me but it really did.

the day finally ended and people kept following me. i ended up calling zack and he came to get me from a different location. i came home pissed the fuck odd. "i can't even go to fucking school like a normal kid! like bitch how the fuck so you expect me to take down your shitty ass president if you don't help me!?" i yelled in frustration, while taking with my parents. "that's your life goal? that's amazing!" sarah smiled. "we get that your frustrated with what's going on okay? but we're going to-" brendon didn't finish his sentence. the doorbell rang.

i got up and answered it to reveal a lady with strawberry blonde hair. her eyes widened when she saw me. "may i help you?" i asked awkwardly. "oh hello! my daughter is a a big fan-" i didn't listen any longer. i slammed the door shut. "why the fuck would a lady out of all people do that!?" i exclaimed to my parents. "you don't need to yell!" brendon rolled his eyes stressfully. "oh like you don't!" i said, giving him a death glare as i sat next to sarah.

that wasn't the end.

another lady came asking for directions. she was a uber driver. sarah guided her the right way but i spotted something. in the back of her car i saw a girl. she had red hair and a black beanie and dark eye make up. she was holding her phone up and RECORDING. then i realised who it was.


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