chapter one

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It's the blinding lights and the screaming fans. It's the feeling of the microphone molding into my hand, and the sound of music flowing freely through my head. It's simply one word, and that word is amazing.

It feels like it all happened yesterday. As cliché as it is, I haven't gone back to school after our band had a break through. I've had a band for a little over two years now, and we never leace each other's sides. In the beginning we'd perform between two different garages, and the exception of sometimes it being basements.

Our band, The Phoenix's Flame, or even shortened to TPF, consists of brothers and sisters, as well as friends. There's only four of us, but it's always been this way since the beginning, and I wouldn't change it for the world.

I'm the lead vocals, but that doesn't mean I'm the main face in the band. I don't like it when you have a band, and people focus more on the lead singer then the rest of the and members. All the people in the band make it what it really is and not just that one face everybody would focus on.

I would like to say that I was the one who started it all, but it was a mutual idea for the most part. However, I can honestly say that I was the one who mentioned the idea of a band.

When it comes to me, I can sometimes be referred to someone who takes music and their actions more seriously than the other three. But, then there's the side of me who just fools around just to have fun.

We have Laurance, and he is the lead guitarist and oftentimes his vocals are heard in our songs. He's a flirt, and he has even had a few girlfriends from time to time, but I know he means well and treats them right. He's special like that, and he doesn't like to harm anyone. He usually means well.

Then there's Alex, the youngest in the group, and she's the bassist who constantly has her vocals heard in most of our songs. She's the sweetest person you could ever meet, and she has her heart on her sleeve, but she can also change into a totally different person in a snap if you try hard enough.

Lastly, there's Vylad. Not only is he my little brother, but he's the drummer who stills sings outloud over his drums in our songs. It's hard to sing while drumming, so I give him credit. He may be battling against me over who is more mature, or even battling against Alex on who is more adorable, or even who has more fangirls with Laurance, but we still love and care for him. He may not know that he's in competitions like these, but it's fine. We got him to pick up a pair of drum stick and learn how to use them, so I'm happy.

Sometimes in our free time when we're just messing around and not getting any progress down on writing our songs, we just sing random songs, or we try to teach each other how to play each other's instruments. It's funny watching other people getting frustrated when learning them, but when it comes to me it's a total different story. I only know how to play 'Hot Cross Buns' on Laurance's guitar, but otherwise that's about it.

However, I'm excited because tonight's a performance. I love it when the energy and adrenaline is coursing the air like a child's happiness in a candy store. It gets me hyped up, and it's an undescribable feeling.

There comes the time where you'll see a singer or somebody smile a certain smile that shows that they know that they really have made it, and that smile constantly takes over my lips.

Our manager, Leo, has brought in some people to video tape some things that happen behind stage before the performance tonight for the upcoming music video. I don't remember which song, but it must be one of our more meaningful songs.

It's almost show time, and I can hear the crowd chanting for us even if we're not on stage yet. I walk through the halls from our dressing room to backstage to see Laurance looking over his electric guitar. He smirks once he sees me, and he begins to play 'Hot Cross Buns'. I stifle a laugh and place a fake pout on my face. He goes back to looking over his guitar once I turn my body to see Vylad peaking out to crowd.

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