chapter twenty

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Walking home when you should be practicing gives you a terrible feeling. Laurance, he's driving home, but he turned instantly pale once Leo answered.

If they refuse to rejoin, were finished.

The thing is, we probably now have to beg. Vylad, he'll probably rejoin right away, or he'll be a follower just like when he quit.

I make it home to hear mom squealing from the backyard. They're things like 'goal', and 'my baby boy is so talented'. With said, I already found Vylad.


Laurance's POV

After parking the car in the driveway, my feet begin to trudge towards the front door. With what I wished would take minutes, it felt even like it was quicker then the trip normally takes to the front door.

I opened the door and listen to Cadenza talk.

"Oh, it's such a pretty blue!"

The thought of her designing my clothing runs through my mind, but when both her and Alex walk down the stairs, it dies.

Cadenza smiles at me, "Laurance! It's good to see you home so early! Dad's coming home tonight, and we're goong out for dinner. I have a new outfit for you to wear. Come on!"

Cadenza grabs onto my wrist and pulls me up the stairs. I look back at Alex, and she simply flips her now blue hair behind her shoulder and walks away.

Oh shit...



I stop Vylad before he walks back into the house. His moves his hair out of his eyes, and away from his sweaty forehead. However, the hair falls back in front of his face, and he gives up with it.

"You're home early," He announces, and he holds the soccer ball close to his chest confused. "Shouldn't you be at practice?"

"About that-"

"Look," Vylad says. "I don't mean to cut you off, but I'm sweaty, and I just want a shower before dinner. I'll talk to you when I get out."

With that he jogs off inside. I groan and sit on a chair on the deck. People are so complicated, and now to think about it, Laurance never told me what he originally was going to tell me before.

I pull put my phone and look for Laurance's contact. 'Bra Boy😂👌'

Y/N: Hey... What did u wanna talk 2 me about a few days ago? Something about u liking...?

He doesn't text back, and I groan. Why does he have to be so complicated? Why does half of the human population have to be so stupid? 'Are you on your peirod or something?' No, you just tick me off to the point where I want to choke you.

Bra Boy😂👌: Have u changed my contact name from 'Bra Boy' yet?

Y/N: There's emojis at the end of it stupid

Bra Boy😂👌:...oc there is...

Y/N: Answer my question!

Bra Boy😂👌: What question?

Bra Boy😂👌: Oh that question

Bra Boy😂👌: Ill ask u later about it k?

Y/N: U always say that...

Bra Boy: I gtg Dads back home bye

He still wont tell me, nor will he use commas and periods in his texts. Laurance is one of those people who will send separate texts to be dramatic. Or in his case half the time, beat around the bush, because he doesn't want to talk about something.

The sound of footsteps running down the stairs echoes through out the house louder than it's supposed to. It's probably just my mind doing so, but it's louder than it usually is.

Vylad walks outside with wet hair, and if it was winter, I'd send us both inside to talk so he wouldn't get a cold. He's fine right now, because the weather is nice, and it's spring time. Even if the weather sometimes doesn't want to show that.

"What's up?" Vylad asks

"Kara is out of the band, and we need you back. Leo wants you back. Without you two, we're done. The Phoenix's Flame is done."

"How was your party? You know, the one you didn't invite us to."

I bite my lip, "That wasn't my party. It was Kara, and she's out of the band because of that and other thing. Please rejoin. You know music is my life. You love music. Without you, we're screwed. Nobody around here can drum as well as you... Please Vylad."

"I'll think about it. But for now, I'm gonna have to talk to Alex about it."

And this is where it can go either ways. Let's just hope it goes the way we want it to go.

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