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Third Person's POV

"The day has really come," Aphmau gushes. "My little Y/N has finally grown up. I feel like a proud mama!"

Katelyn rolls her eyes at the short raven haired girl. "Aphmau," she says. "How much sugar have you had today? You're like an overly hyper child."

Y/N giggles at the two's bickering. That's until she feels the fabric around her waist tighten. She let's out a gasp at the sudden change, and she hears chuckles from behind her.

"Are you sure you still want to go through with this?" The younger blonde asks from behind. Y/N turns her head to see her best friend. "My brother sucks, and you could do much better."

"Yes, I'm sure I want to go through with this," she confirms. Y/N feels another pull and then what must be a bow being tied. "When are you getting married anyway? Aren't things getting pretty serious between you and Adam?"

"Today isn't about me, but it is about you," Alex says. She walks away and grabs the vail as Kawaii~Chan fixes little parts of Y/N's hair. Kawaii~Chan finishes, and Alex places the vail on Y/N. "Now, go look in the mirror!"

Y/N turns to look into a full body mirror, and it's hard to reconize who she is for a second. She beautiful normally, but at the current moment Y/N couldn't help but realize just how pretty she really is.

She smooths her dress down, and Aphmau places her bouquet of flowers into her hands. Y/N's smile increases at the sight of her closest friends happy faces appearing in the mirror with her.

She turns around to looks at them, and she notices that they soon form into a little line in front of her.

She hard to believe that only a little time before Y/N had gone out with the girls to find the dresses for the girls, but now it's hard for Y/N to wrap her mind over the fact that she really is getting married.

She didn't know that after the Zvahls married when Vylad's funeral passed that she would see Laurance again. Y/N always wondered if and when they would meet again. And when they bummed into each other at the park the summer before Y/N's first year of college, they made sure that they weren't taken away from each other again.

She didn't know that he wasn't completely moved on from her and that it was hard for Laurance to even glance at another girl's way. No matter how many times he was told that he needed to move on from her, he just couldn't.

One year after Y/N had finished her four year experience in college and had settled down in a house of her own, Laurance had popped the question with a gorgeous ring. After another year, the wedding plans were finished ready for the marriage to proceed.

Knocking accurs from the girls nearby, and an overly emotional Zianna slips her way into the room nearly crying at the sight of her daughter.

"I always knew I would see the day that my only daughter would walk down the isle. But no that it's here, I can't help but want to cry."

Y/N opens her arms for Zianna to run into for a hug, but the sight of tears makes Kawaii~Chan run to her with tissues. Zianna greatfully takes them and dabs the cloth gently to rid of her tears and then brings her daughter into a hug.

"You look beautiful," Zianna compliments Y/N, looking at her in a loving gaze. "But where's your something borrowed and something blue?"

Aphmau's idea of snipping a piece of Katelyn's hair off and giving it to Y/N didn't go well amongst the small group of females.

That's until Zianna reaches into her blazer's pocket to pull out a box. Inside the box contained a necklace with light blue diamonds encrusted of it.

The beautiful necklace has been handed down a few generations for Zianna's side of the family to the eldest girl, or in this case only girl, in the family. While this is explained, Zianna places the necklace around Y/N's neck as the look into the mirror.

Katelyn, Alex, Aphmau, and Kawaii~Chan look around their body for something that could count as borrowed. That is until the bracelet on Alex's wrist is slipped off and hidden inside the palm of her hand.

She stands next to Y/N grabbing her hand and slipping the bracelet into her palm covering it with her fingers with a simple 'here.'

"Are you sure?" Y/N asks when she uncovers the bracelet. Alex begins to place it on her wrist and smiles at the very last birthday present. She always told him it was too expensive and not to waste their money on her, but he never listened. "This was one of the last things Vylad got you when he sas alive. . ."

A light smile spreads against Alex's lips looking at it. "I'm sure," she says, calmly. "Vylad isn't here to watch you walk down the isle, so you could think of it as he's with you when you do. That way, he's still here, with us. Sometimes I wish that he was still here to kneel down before me, but we can't think about that right now. You're about to get married!" The excitment in the voice is hard to miss, but it is quickly replaced with nervousness once a knock and a voice fr t.the other side of the door tells them at the wedding is about to begin.

Few minutes later, Y/N is slowly walking down the isle, and Garte and Zianna announce that they are giving her away to Laurance.

When the doors opened to reveal Y/N, Laurance's heart almost stopped by the sight of her. Her beauty, excitement, and the thought that Y/N will be spending the rest of the life with him overtakes him, and the smile he lets happen shows it all. Not to mention, the gasps when the doors opened from other people showed it too.

The priest begins the ceremony, and both the almost married couple's hearts are beating rapidly.

"Laurance do you take Y/N to be your wife?"

"I do," Laurance says, voice proud and bold with a hint of excitement.

"Do you promise to love, honor, cherish and protect her, forsaking all others and holding only unto her?"

"I do."

"Y/N, do you take Laurance to be your husband?"

"I do," Y/N smiles.

"Do you promise to love, honor, cherish and protect him, forsaking all others and holding only unto him?"

"I do."

The couple squeezes each other's hands while the priest continues with talking. The rings are brought up, and Y/N's expression softens with a calmer smile at the sight.

Laurance begins to slide the ring onto my finger. "This ring is my sacred gift, with my promise that I will always love you, cherish you and honor you all the days of my life. And with this ring, I thee wed."

Putting on his ring, I repeat after him. "This ring is my sacred gift, with my promise that I will always love you, cherish you and honor you all the days of my life. And with this ring, I thee wed."

"By the power vested in me I pronounce you husband and wife," the priest looks at both Y/N and Laurance with adoring eyes. "You may kiss the bride. I present to you our happy couple."

Laurance pulls Y/N closer to his chest mumbling a 'finally' pressing his lips against in a blissful kiss. When they pull away, he picks her up bridal style carrying her back down the isle.


"We're married now," Y/N says, kissing Laurance's cheek. "That's exciting.

"I'm going to be a gentleman and not hint to anything, but I'm excited to see what will lay ahead with you. Especially starting with our honeymoon. I love you, Y/N."

"I love you too. Laurance."

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