chapter twenty six

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Tonight is the last concert we have as a full band. Tonight is the last concert we have with Vylad. Leo will not schedule another one, so that instantly tells me that Vylad doesn't have much longer to live. Which is complete bullshit if you ask me. You probably shouldn't ask me though. Lately I haven't had a filter for my mouth.

"Laurance, that's a terrible idea," Vylad says as he cocks his eyebrow at Laurance. Vylad, Laurance and Alex are currently walking towards me.

"I think it's an amazing idea," He retorts.

"What's a terrible idea?" I ask.

Alex rolls her eyes, "Laurance says that he's going to smash his guitar into he stage after the concert is over with to amaze the crowd even more."

I slap the back of Laurance's head, "That's a terrible idea. What are you thinking?"

"He wasn't."

Typical Laurance.

A crew member hands me a slip of paper consisting tonights song arrangements. I quickly scan over the piece of paper, and sigh once I see the last song. What a shame such a pretty song means something so sad.

Leo walks towards us. "You know the drill," he says. "Concert, and then fans are going to be backstage for you to meet." Leo pulls me aside while the other three look at the song arrangements. "I'm leaving this up to you four, but if you're going to tell people of Vylad, tell them tonight. Vylad needs to be conpletely okay with this however. It's his life."

I nod and walks back towards the others. Leo nods at me, and is about to walk away until Alex claps her hands together with a sudden gasp.

"We need to take a picture!" Clinging onto Vylad's arm, she gives Leo her phone. The rest of us do the same, and begin to get into positions. She turns to look at me. She smirks knowing she's going to tick me off. "Your stomach is distracing me."

"Piss off."

"Smile for the camera!"


I slip on my ear piece and run onto stage after the big entrance things... Frankly the butterflies in my stomach won't leave, and it's really getting on my nerves. It's the last show, ans I don't want it to be. This needs to go down in history for us.

We greet the crowd, and do our weurd shit to pump them up, or even get them to laugh and be in a good mood, and then begin to play.

More choreography has been planned for tonight, and some of it scares me a little bit. It's not scary to do, but we're clumsy.

Time flies by, and the next thing we know it's time for the final song.

I turn towards Vylad and nod, and he does the same back. Here goes nothing.

Alex and Laurance play a cord, but I stop them from continuing.

"Hey everyone. This last song for tonight is called Never Forget You. I suppose it was made for two reasons. To say goodbye to you guys because it's our last concert. And, to say goodbye to Vylad."

I watch Vylad walk towards me after getting up from his stool behind the drums. He waves to the crowd like the adorable little dork he is, and takes the microphone out of my hands.

"So we haven't told any of this to you guys yet. Not only is this everybody else's last concert, but this really is my last one. I'm dying," Gasps come the crowd. "I was mistreated twice, and it turns out I have Chronic Meningitis. They caught it too late, and I don't have very long left to live. Now... let's get to the last song!"

He jogs back over to his drums, and he nearly falls in the process of doing so. Laurance laughs, and a small tissue box is thrown at his head from off stage. He flips the person off, and throws the box back at the person.

I watch as arrangements are made on stage, and once everything is ready, we begin.

I grab onto my microphone and begin to sing, "I used to be so happy, but without you here I feel so low. I watched you as you left but I can never seem to let you go. 'Cause once upon a time you were my everything. It's clear to see that time hasn't changed a thing. It's buried deep inside me but I feel there's something you should know. I will never forget you. You'll always be by my side. From the day that I met you, I knew that I would love you 'til the day I die. And I will never want much more. And in my heart I will always be sure. I will never forget you, and you will always be by my side 'til the day I die. 'Til the day I die. 'Til the day I die."

Now it's Laurance's turn. Vylad backs him up as well. We wrote this song and gave everyone little solos and duets.

"Funny how we both end up here, but everything seems alright. I wonder what would happen if we went back and put up a fight. 'Cause once upon a time you were my everything
It's clear to see that time hasn't changed a thing. So what in this world do you think could ever take you off my mind. Take you off my mind."

I join back in, and I join in on the moves we are supposed to do. In fact, I lean my back against Laurance's and begin to sing.

"I will never forget you, and you'll always be by my side.
From the day that I met you, I knew that I would love you 'til the day I die. And I will never want much more. And in my heart I will always be sure. I will never forget you, and you'll always be by my side 'til the day I die."

Alex leans down a little to get to her microphone, "Feeling it, loving it, everything that we do."

Vylad does the same," "And all along, I knew I had something special with you."

"But sometimes you just gotta know that these things fall through."

"But I'm still tired and I can't hide my connection with you."

They both start to sing together, "Feeling it, loving it, everything that we do And all along, I knew I had something special with you. But sometimes you just gotta know that these things fall through. I can't hide my connection with you."

They hold there note and Laurance and I join back in with the normal music, and they continue with their background vocals. "I will never forget you, and you'll always be by my side.
From the day that I met you, I knew that I would love you 'til the day I die. And I will never want much more. And in my heart I will always be sure, that I will never forget you. And you'll always be by my side 'til the day I die. 'Til the day I die. 'Til the day I die. 'Til the day I die. 'Til the day I die. 'Til the day I die. 'Til the day I die. I will never forget you. I will never forget you, 'til the day I die."

The crowd claps, and we say over finally goodbyes. The lights turn off, and we head backstage.

Minutes later they begin to let some fans come on backstage, and somebody taps on my shoulder. I turn around to see a girl a few years younger than me. She looks around her early teens.

"Hey, what's your name?" I ask with a smile.

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