chapter sixteen

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One more week to go. It's only one more week untWe'llil it's time for the comeback tour. This upcoming concert is exciting yet nerve wracking. It's crazy to think that we even stopped music, and the thought of us coming back so soon is bazaar. I guess you can't stop The Phoenix's Flame, and it will never burn out. We'll never burn out.

Kara and I have gotten even closer to one another, and I've even started to teach her what I know about a normal guitar. It's not a lot, but it's something. In fact, she's doing an amazing job on keeping our concert a secret.

We had a secret practice yesterday in the ol' garage. I used a guitar as well, and that was a thrilling experience. It was like a mini concert, even if we were performing for anybody. Look at me, I'm sixteen, and I'm getting a kick out of performing in the garage again.

There's a knock on the door, and since nobody else is home, I go and answer it. I see the smiling face of Laurance, and an Alex biting her lip.

"I think I left my bass here yesterday. You mine if I get it?" She asks, and I point towards the garage.

Laurance smiles at me, "Hey love. What cha doin'?"

I laugh at his term of endearment. He never calls me 'love, nor anybody else for that point, so I don't understnad why he's doing it now. It's something Vylad would call somebody, not Laurance. Laurance has a different way of flirting. Laurance is the type to say 'babe', or 'baby'. I'm getting way over my head right now.

"Listening to you I guess," I reply. "I have nothing better to do."

Suddenly a scream rings through the house. Instantly I know something is wrong, and that it's Alex's scream. Irene, I hate when she screams...

She runs out with her bass in hand, a panicked expression on her face.

"My bass's strings are cut!" She exclaims.

I roll my eyes as she hands it towards Laurance. "Alex," I begin. "I don't think they're cut. Nobody would do that to you. Maybe they just broke. You need to be more responsible with your bass."

"No," Laurance states. "Somebody cut the strings. It's too clean of a cut for it to be broken. Besides, there's an entire section of string missing. This is going to cost a lot to fix. Dad's going to be pissed."

"I think I'm gonna be sick..."


It's so cute watching Garroth and Taryn being together that it gets disgusting. All the Eskimo kisses and cutesy talk is making me gag.

They're sitting on the stage right now flirting. Taryn is supposed to be helping us learn new things, but Garroth showed up and... yeah. So right now Vylad is just going hardcore on his drums, and we're just watching him while we mess with our instruments. I swear Laurance is in some kind of trance, because his eyes have not left Vylad's hands. It's been five minutes, and it's getting kind of creepy to be honest.

Leo has decided that today would be the best time to have a 'band bonding day' before the concert. It's Thursday, and tomorrow is the big day. Comeback Friday.

There's a huge plan for the announcement tomorrow. Leo pulled some strings, and we're sneaking into the office during announcements to deliver the big news. As well as a few other things I'm not aloud to bring up, a snip bit of the concert included. The principle actually doesn't know about the other things, and Leo is praying to Irene we don't get expelled because of it. All I can say is that this concert is going to be awesome.

Ed Sheeran is having a tour, and so are a few other singers and bands. I've been wanting to go to a few, and so has the other three, but there's never enough time in the day to do it. Mom and dad, more like dad, have decided that it's time that the four of us Ro'meave children need to begin to pay for our own things. I don't have the money to buy tickets. Disappointing, I know, but that's how it works.


It's fun being in a little area outdoors that nobody knows about. Of course, this place outside we've been in many times before.

There's a cherry blossom tree next to a little pond. A bunch of beautiful wild flowers litter the area, and it's truly breath taking. Vylad showed this to us a little while back, and we've always been here since.

Some of our best songs have been written at the top of this cherry blossom tree, so this spot is our 'spot'.

Truth be told I kind of wanted to go to the Ed Sheeran concert that's coming up soon, but shit happens. I don't think anybody knows about this but Laurance, but I'm fine with that. I didn't really want anybody else to know about it. In fact, I didn't want anybody to know about it. I don't want to give people a chance to rip on me.

Laurance, he's sitting next to me, taps on my shoulder to get my attention. It works, and he smiles a little too brightly for my enjoyment.

"You know those Ed Sheeran tickets you wanted?" He whispers.

I roll my eyes, I really wish he would stop bringing those up.

"Yeah, of course I know of those tickets. I don't have enough for them."

"What if I told you I bought one for you?"

I blink. Once. Twice. Three times until I realize that this is reality. He bought them for me? I'm snapped out of my trance like state once I hear screaming from the other side of the tree.

The screaming results in a splash of water, and I look down to see a couple soaked as they hold each other in the water. Tears of joy rolling put of the females eyes as she kisses his face repeatedly.

Laurance looks down at the pond, "Would I get that reaction?"

I slap his arm. "No, but I won't slap you for a whole week," He hands me an envelope, and I open it with shaky hands. My eyes widen at the sight. Two Ed Sheeran tickets... "Two?"

"Two. I wanted to go with you... That is... if you would want me to."

"Of course, thank you Laurance. Thank you so much."

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