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It's weird having Alex push Vylad forwards to us in the middle of the hallway.

"He fell asleep in our last class, and he even forgot where we were. He needs to go home even if he keeps telling me he doesn't," Alex turns to a sleepy Vylad, then kisses his forehead. "I gotta go. Take care of yourself, and get some sleep for me. Alright love?"

He nods and leans onto me, nearly asleep. I told him not to go to school today, and even mom did too. But no, he insisted, and guess who is drooling on my shoulder right now.

"Ugh, I can't miss any more classes. Dad has been getting on my case for it," I groan.

Laurance lightly takes Vylad's arm, and he pull him closer to him. Vylad wakes up, and Laurance smiles at me. "Hey," he starts. "You go to class, and I'll take him home. I have a free period anyway."

"You sure?"

He looks at the clock, "Yeah. You have one minute. Get to class, and I'll make sure he gets home safely."


"Oh my Irene, don't bring that up!" Alex yells. "You forgot the lyrics, and I messed up on the guitar once!"

Waching our old covers are hilarious. Besides from seeing the cringy fetus us, well more fetus us, this is what got us where we are today. Leo saw one of our covers, and actually hunted us down. He watched a bunch of our videos, and in one of them, we were at school in our uniforms during a study hall recording That video. He came to the school, and well... here we are now.

In these old videos you would see us doing covers, or even singing new songs we made up. The very beginning of the videos, you'd see us by ourselves, or in pairs, but rarely in groups of three. As time went on, group of threes became common, and even more common was when we made videos with the four of us together.

"So many fucking hints that I was obivious to!" Alex yells. We're watching one of the covers she did with Vylad, and he was always smiling at her while she played the guitar and would sing her part. "Why didn't I see it sooner?!"

Laurance walks down the stairs and looks at Alex. Alex nods and turns to me. "Yo, I gotta go and check on Vylad. You know, being a good girlfriend all," She giggles. "See you when you leave my house, or whatever you do."

And that ladies and gentlemen is confusion at its best. Laurance jumps over the couch, the keys in his hands making obnoxious amounts of noise.

"Let's go for a drive," He takes my hand. "You know, for inspiration for new songs."

I roll my eyes and smile. He pulls me up from the couch, and intertwins his fingers with mine. The temptation of pulling away and slapping him hits, but the yearning to stay like this overpowers it. I feel my cheeks heat up, and I snap my head in the opposite direction that Laurance's face is in. Irene, I hate boys. Cooties are real man, they're real. Oh would you look at that. I'm sixteen, and I think cooties are real. Real fucking mature

Laurance turns on the radio, and I remain silent. A couple minutes into the ride, and a few songs later, Laurance gets rid of the silence by talking.

"All Of Me came on last night. I instantly thought of you when it did."

I giggle for a spilt second, but quickly cover it up with a couch. "Oh really now?"

"Yeah..." He chuckles. "You still in Hell? I'm here you know."

"If Hell is where I can see Brendon Urie, it's amazing. But I haven't seen Brendon Urie as the devil yet, so I don't think I'm in hell."

"You and Emperor's New Clothing," he laughs.

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