chapter eleven

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"Y/N I'm in jail."

"What? Alex Imma need for you to repeat what you just said. I could've just sworn that you said you're in jail."

"That's exactly what I said, because I am in jail."

"Why are you in jail? What did you do?!"

"I got really pissed off, and the next thing I know, I'm in the backseat of a cop car with handcuffs around my wrists."

"You're stupid you know that? I'll be there, I'm getting my shoes on while we speak."

"Thanks, you're an amazing friend Y/N. Oh and Y/N?"

"Yes Alex?"

"I'm not in jail. I lied, and this is a prank. Bye~!"

Are you fucking kidding me?


Another week passes of school, and it's in between being the middle and end of February. I still find school stupid, and I learned that Taryn is tutoring Garroth in French. Honestly I didn't even know that Garroth did French, so there's a first time for everything I guess.

My guitar playing skills have improved deeply, and I can even play a few of our songs. Oh, I miss performing a lot... Leo is hasn't talked to us, which is weird, but he's a very busy man so I guess that's the reason behind it. Hell, even Taryn doesn't even know what's going on with him.

So you know in all those books where you have a boy and girl who are really close to each other and then get into a secret relationship? Yeah, well I need to write one of those because that's how my life has been feeling lately. I would make an amazing book now that I think about it.

Just because we stopped performing doesn't mean we had quit with music altogether. We joined a few of Phoenix Drop High's music programs, and a lot of the people in them are actually really talented. In fact one of our newest friends, Katelyn, she's unbelievably talented at singing. I can only imagine what other talents she posses as well.

I know I probably shouldn't but I can't help but look up old videos of our past concerts. Even interviews, or stupids things we posted online that made their way onto YouTube. I even watch our old YouTube videos, the ones that made us famous.

"Happy birthday Y/N!" The camera shakes a little bit as Laurance jumps out from his hiding spot. I can see Alex and Vylad jump out as well, and myself looking surprised as I walk onto the quiet stage.

I remember this day. We had just start out performing a little bit ago, and we were just about to practice for the day. This was around the time Laurance's hair was finally turning back to brown, and he figured out his signature wink. That stupid wink of his. Alex hadn't began to dye the tips of her hair, and it went down to mid-back. Vylad... What do I say about Vylad? He hasn't really changed much. Well, his voice at least got a little bit deeper from then.

"What's it like being fourteen?" Vylad asks as I'm brought into a hug.

"You're even hotter being fourteen, Y/N," Laurance says and gets slapped by Alex.

"You're a pig!" Alex turns to me. "You're going to have to tell me what it was like being thirteen. I hate being the youngest one here."

"You're such a child," I say with a laugh.

Being fourteen rocked, I didn't have to worry about all the shit that I have to worry about now. In fact Alex needs to find herself extremely lucky that she's still fourteen. Vylad needs to consider himself lucky that he was only fourteen two months ago. Hell fourteen was the age that I started to swear, that's pathetic.

I finish yet again another song from the very beginning of our career, and it almost brings a tear to my eye. We look so precious and adorable. It's amazing to see how much can change between us in such a short time distance, and how much our voices have changed.

"Guys I need to tell you something," Alex grabs onto my arm. "Y/N is now my girlfriend."

"I don't ever remember agreeing to this."

Suddenly I'm lifted into the air and placed on somebody's shoulder. I look down to see it's Laurance holding on tightly to my waist.

"Sorry to say sis, but she's my girlfriend. Today is our two year anniversary," He says.

"I don't ever remember agreeing to become your girlfriends. Now put me down before I die!"

Good times...

My phone begins to ring and I look down to see Leo's contact taking over my screen. I press answer and bring the phone up to my ear, "Hello?"

"Y/N, it's amazing to talk to you again! Where's the rest of the band?"

"Alex is in jail, Laurance is in hell, and Vylad is studying."

"Still I see. But then again it has only been a course of two weeks. How are you all?"

"Missing music. Now tell me why you called, because I know it isn't for a quick catch up."

"Alright you got me, I need you four to continue performing. However we still have you attend school during your performing."

"School sounds like a bummer, but the performing sounds good. When do we start?"

"There will be practice after school tomorrow. You four never seem to let me down! See you soon."

"See ya soon, bye."

That's when I squeal.

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