chapter twelve

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"So I'm gonna love you like I'm gonna lose you. I'm gonna love you like I'm gonna a lose you," I sing the last bit of the song and look into the empty crowd.

We won't be performing for a little while, but in the meantime we're practicing. It's not my favortie thing to do, because I much rather be performing, but this is better than nothing.

What I don't understand however is why there is a saying 'practice makes perfect' since nothing is perfect, and perfect is boring.

Human beings are naturally drawn to imperfections because, well, prefect is boring.

I set the microphone back onto the stand and turn around to see Leo walking onto stage.

He claps a total of three times and smiles lightly in the process. He's wearing a suit, and I don't understand why this is a thing.

Leo is young, but very talented. He's about twenty five and loaded with money. This so called money brought to you by us and the other people he manages. Does he even manage other people?

"That was beautiful. Even after the break you were given, you sounded amazing, all of you."

I clear my throat, "That's the thing Leo. We didn't even have a break for a month. Of course nothing has changed that much. Unless you count Laurance wearing bras a thing now."

"Hey!" Laurance whines. "You said you wouldn't tell anybody that!"

"Well I lied."

Leo switches gazes between Laurance and I until he begins to talk again, "I have one question. What color?"

He doesn't care why, but instead g the color was? That's why Leo is so cool, he understands us. "Olive green."

"Laurance, buddy, if you're going to wear a bra, at least make it match your skin tone," He claps his hands together. "Now I'm going to cancel the rest of practice because I have a date, which explains my suit. But with said, I must imform you about the photoshoot that will happen at the end of the week on Friday. It's going to be a comeback photoshoot, so look as you normally do. In fact all the media knows of is that you guys stopped performing for school. They have no idea about your return, so we're going to enclude a picture from the very first photoshoot and this one once we announce your return."

Whoa, a lot of words there buddy. Slow down.


"Alright, alright. I need you four to take a look at this picture," Our photographer shows us a picture from our first photoshoot ever, and I cringe. "I need you all you react that exactly."

React it exactly? Is she crazy? Does she not realize that we were just messing around in that picture and having a good time?

I should've realized that this chick was crazy when I got my first look at her. Her hair is put up in many little knots on tip of her head, while a huge white puffy furry jacket hangs over her shoulders. She's wearing a light pink bowa, and bright yellow high hells. There's a sparkly lime colored mini skirt matched with a brown belt around her waist. And not to mention the tiger print crop top as well. Her makeup is dark with black lipstick and burgundy shadow paired with a bunch of purple mascara, and bright green eyeliner. She looks around late thirty something, so it's making me question why she is wearing something he shouldn't be wearing. None of it matches...

It's been what, two-three years since then? It shouldn't be that hard to react, but still. It's old, and wouldn't people wnat to see new things? Of course it may be kinda cool to see how much we've-oh. I understand it now.

She wants us to do everything the same so everybody, including ourselves, can see how much we have changed in the course of our career. For a lady who doesn't know what fashion is, she does know what she's doing. Even if she looks terrible doing it.

We stand in our positions and look at the picture thinking about what we should be doing. All we're doing is standing in place and looking like idiots.

Alex flinches, "Why is she wearing that? It doesn't... Elihk."

The lady smiles as she grabs her camera, "Hurry! Hurry! Places! Places!" Oh great, not only does she dress terribly, she repeats herself as well. "Smiles! Smiles!"

I smile while in the inside I just want to curl up in a ball and cry. Why me? Why this right now? Right now this is not how I wanted to spend my Friday afternoon.

"We're all finished with that picture! We're all finished with that picture..."

This is going to be a long day.

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