Chapter 1

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It's time for switching classes. Screams of fangirls covers the moaning of the nocturnals as they get ready for the night classes. They waited patiently for a certain Vampire King to descend from the stairs before they opened the grand doors; which instantly made the girls scream louder, yelling for their favourite Night Class student.

"Ichijou, I have some business to attend. Leave without me."

"Yes, Lord Kaname."

With that the Night Class walked across the bridge, which has it's sides occupied with the crazy human girls, gracefully.

Kaname walked the opposite way towards the library. He fiddles with his bookshelf. Shifting a few books here, handling a few objects there. The sound of an anonymous object shifting opened up a passageway. The tunnel is in total darkness, however, to nocturnals like himself, this is not a problem. The stairs lead him into a spacious room as the fire flickered, spreading around the room like lined up dominoes falling on top of each other. In the middle of the room is a circular bed in which a girl looking the age of 17 is sleeping peacefully. Her chocolate brown hair flowing across the queen sized bed as her delicate hands rests upon her stomach, one on top of the other.

"Sara (pronounced Sah-rah). It's been ten years. When are you going to wake up? I miss your smile. I miss your beautiful eyes. Please forgive me. Please wake up."

He clenches her hand with his forehead resting upon the pale, limp hand. A drop of tear lands on the pure white sheet as memories seeps into his mind, once again.


(10 years ago)
Kaname came home later than usual. He hung up his winter coat and went searching for his oldest younger sister. In the library of the great mansion of the Kuran Estate, a young girl with the age of 4 sat down reading a book. With the mind of a genius, the girl is mature; too mature, for the matter. Her auburn hair cascaded down her shoulders. Eyes filled with curiosity were transfixed into the book in her small pale hands. As if able to sense her brother, she lifted her head up. One eye of brownish red like her family with the other being greyish blue and stared at her dear brother's face. Grinning with glee, she stood up to hug her brother.

"Kana-nii! How was your day? You are later than usual, I was starting to get worried. I'm glad you're back."

He hugged her back tenderly.

"My day was fine and thank you for being worried. How was yours?"

"Thanks to the small amount of work given to me today, I was able to read the full collection of Sherlock Holmes! It was very interesting. Nii-san should read it too, when you have time! I'm sure you'll enjoy it."

Although she looks as if she had a wonderful day,which he was it must have been one of her more wonderful days, deep down, Kaname knows, it was not. Because she was born with the eyes of Kuran Rido, Haruka and Juri did not recognize her as their child. However, being a child she is, they allowed her to stay in. Especially because of Kaname, they did not abandon this innocent child.

Kaname searched for the gift he had for her.

"Sara, Happy Birthday."

She looked at the nicely wrapped gift in his hands before hesitantly receiving it. Inside the thick layers of wrapping, she held up a golden-yellow bottle, entwined with silver, decorating the bottle with silver leaves. inside the bottle was a petite rose.

"Kaname is this the..."

"Yes. It is the Resin Rose."

"Its beautiful. But... this rose only blooms every ten years, not to mention it is extremely rare. Thank you, Kaname! Thank you, Onii-sama!"

He enveloped the tiny body of hers into his long arms and gently placed a kiss on her forehead.

"You're very welcome, my Princess."

The two stayed in this position what it seems like for hours until the sound of the main doors opened.

"Oh no. I need to leave before Juri-sama and Haruka-sama sees me."

Without another word, the small girl placed the books back into its original places; using her vampiric speed of course. Just as she hid behind the bookshelf. Juri stepped in, following by another young brunette. Looking around 3. She looks like Sara, minus the fact that her eyes are both the colour of brownish red and her hair is more of the colour hazel. The brunette stared at Kaname before blinking her big auburn eyes.


The girl wrapped her small arms around the leg of the youngster. He smiled at the little act of his other sister and lifted her up into his arms.

"Yuuki. How was your trip into town?"

"The town was very pretty! I wish I could go with Kaname-nii-sama..." She pouted.

He chuckled at his sister's cuteness as he put her back down.

"Yuuki sure loves you, Kaname. I am so glad she does and perhaps we can make a marriage arrangement since she is the only child we have."

Haruka said with a little guilt floated upon his face. He didn't mean to leave one out. He just couldn't accept. As if sensing her husband's guilt, Juri dragged them upstairs into the family room.

"We can only let Yuuki be with Kaname. We cannot allow that creature to be with Kaname. It is a tradition to allow siblings to get married and I do not allow an outsider to join this family."

Juri added before she slams the door of the family room close.

Sara stood a few meters away from them, hearing every word her mother had said. Her grin from before has now been plastered with a frown.

Creature. To her I am a Creature and Outsider...

Sara looked at the shut doors to the joy of the family before looking back down onto the crimson carpet. She stood there for a moment before going back to the small room of hers.

Footsteps trailed behind her as she stepped into the small bedroom of hers. Being isolated by her parents, her room was placed towards the end of the library, which was significantly convenient for her. Her room was once a storage room which explained the lack of decoration and wall painting. Containing only a small desk, a wardrobe and a single bed, her room had hardly any room to walk in. She settled herself on the bed which is placed next to the window. Snowflakes floated by like ballerinas gracefully dancing and twirling in the air. As she watched them float by, tears formed in her eyes.

Why doesn't mother acknowledge me?

She thought.

Because you are unwanted.

A voice said.

She lay down on her bed, curling into a small ball. She cried herself into sleep.

I wish I never existed.

Lost and Broken (A Vampire Knight Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now