Chapter 10

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A week had gone by. A week of torture. A week without food, blood or affection. A week of grief. Sara had lost her colour. Day by day, she became weaker and weaker. She had barely any time to sleep, nor any rest.

Over the week, Sara had found out that these men are just humans. They work for a vampire in exchange for eternal life. What this vampire wants is making her go from lab to lab, to hell and back.

Princess, stay strong.

I don't know if I am able to. I feel weak.

You must stay strong no matter how hard. I know you can. You've gone through so much. You must keep faith in yourself.

Thank you. I don't what to do without you.

Remember, I will always be there for you.

Sara could never thank the voice enough. The voice had always been there for her ever since she was born. She had always wondered who this voice belongs to. Whenever she asks, the voice would never answer or simply change the subject. The voice of a young boy. She really wanted to meet him.

Why would you never answer me? Who are you? Why can I hear you when others cannot?

Soon. You will know soon, Princess.


The door slammed open, interrupting their conversation. Scientists were in suits with helmets on and she knows immediately that she is going to be experimented on again. She tries to get out of their grip but they are much stronger than she is now.

They tossed her onto the cold, metal table, forcing her to lie her back against the cold surface. The chained her four limbs onto the legs of the table.

"Experiment of APTX 4869. On count of three. One. Two..."

Four scientists held tight onto her limbs as one pointed a needle onto the left side of her neck.


They injected a light purple substance into her blood stream, causing her to scream with agony. Her eyes went crimson and then velvet. The scientists made sure she was flat onto the table when she saw another needle is coming with the same purple substance.

"Experiment APTX 4869. Take two. On the count of three. One. Two. Three-"

They were interrupted by vampire dresses in black ninja suits coming down from the ceilings which were broken through and some through the door. She can see some scientists' throat being slit, some being stabbed and some ended up in weird angles. Her sight starts to become blurry as she sees a figure with shoulder length raven black hair coming towards her before darkness consume her.

Kaname. I want to see you.




"Kaname-sama. She is in here. Below us."

He nodded.

The ninja turned to his comrades.


They broke the ground and jumped into the underground basement. Kaname jumped in last and sees a girl with wavy dark brown hair on the table.


A scientist lunged towards him, trying to stab an anti-vampire knife into his heart. Kaname grabbed his hand easily and twisted it till it was out of place. He then bit into the scientist and the scientist does instantly. He walked towards the metal table.

I finally found you, Sara.

He broke the chains and let then crash onto the floor. He gently lifted her up and turned to the ninjas.

"Our business is done here. Thank you for your help. You may leave."

"Call us when you need our help, Kaname-sama."

The ninjas jumped simultaneously and disappeared into thin air.

Kaname got back up onto the surface and got into the car prepared just outside the building. Ichijou Takuma sat in the back seat, waiting for his return. He greeted Kaname with a smile.

"So she's the one, huh?"

"I will not let her out of my sight again."

Ichijou chuckled.

"Let's go."




Kaname removed his head from her hand which is grasped in his hands and gently kissed it. He stroked Sara's soft cheek and stared at her lovingly. Sara had never woke up since the night 10 years ago, but Kaname had faith that she will wake up soon. He bend down to kiss her forehead once again.

"Sweet dreams, princess."

He turned around and starts to head for the door.

"Who... Who are you?"

He stopped with surprise to hear her melodic voice. It certainly has changed from what he had remembered. He turned around to find Sara sat up. Her mismatching eyes staring into his auburn ones. The corners of his lips lifted up.

"I am your lover."


I hope you enjoyed it!

There ends my story "Lost and Broken"!


I was going to end it here but I have decided to continue the story and write my 'sequel' in the same book!

So please look forward to the next chapter next week!

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