27. Superdad on Easy St.

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Once Alexander defeated his body's punishment for consuming so much alcohol, he decided to get Thomas to take him to get Jane and Mary fruit smoothies for an apology. Thomas said that it was probably going to take slightly more than some smoothies, but Alex insisted it was at least a start. 

Of course, the smoothies were pretty cheap, but they weren't about to go spend fifty dollars for a smoothy. Not even if they had the money for that. 

After they got the drinks, Hamilton went home while Jefferson went to go talk to Burr. Apparently, there was a new situation with his wife. So, Alex was left to finish his apology on his own. That didn't seem so bad, but from what he's seen of all the Jeffersons, any of them could kill him pretty easily. 

He walked into the house with the tray of smoothies. Just three strawberry banana peace treaties. He took a breath and walked in, expecting them to yell at him, which they didn't. Actually, they acted like they usually did. Jane was sitting on the couch, having a one-way argument with Dr. Phil, and Mary was just enjoying the drama of the episode. 

"Hey, guys," Alex said.

"'Sup Lex," Mary replied without looking away from the T.V. "Wanna watch? It's a pretty good episode." 

Ham didn't expect this to happen, so his entire speech was out the window. 

"Oh," he muttered, quickly trying to think of something else. "Sure. I got some smoothies."

"Flavor?" Jane prompted. 

"Strawberry banana." 

The women jumped up so fast and snatched them out of the drink carrier, immediately going back to the show and sucking down the frozen drinks. 

"These wouldn't happen to have anything to do with your little mishap the other day, would they?" Jane asked suspiciously. 

"They do, actually," Hamilton replied, looking embarrassedly at the ground. "I have no idea what made me think that was okay, but I wanted to apologize--"

"Hammy, you gotta stop bein' so hard on yourself," Mary laughed. "It was a mistake, sure, but you obviously regret it and you're a part of our family. We forgive family pretty easy." 

"But your mom. . ."

"Isn't a part of the family," Jane finished, leaving no room for argument. 

"Yeah! You were supposed to be our easy street, so you get a free pass. But next time, it'll take more than some smoothies to make for it. Got that?" Mary pointed an accusing finger at Alex, who nodded quickly. 

"Loud and clear." 

Mary smiled and went back to the episode, occasionally joining Jane in arguing with whatever someone was saying. Eventually, Dr. Phil turned into Maury, Maury turned into Steve Wilkos and the day was mostly wasted with those types of shows. 

Until Thomas showed up, only poking his head inside to tell Alex that they were going to Eliza's. Hamilton agreed, saying one last sorry to the Jefferson sisters and joining Thomas in the car. 

Once they got there, Eliza pulled Alex into the kitchen while Thomas went to keep Philip, Georges, and Theodosia occupied. 

"I need you to talk to her," Eliza whispered. 


"It happened." 

It took him a second, but Alexander knew what she was talking about. He looked sympathetically into the living room, where Theodosia was playing excitedly with her friends, but he noticed that every now and again she would lose her enthusiasm and start droop. 

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