32. It's A Beautiful Night, We're Looking For Something Dumb To Do

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"--and another thing!" 

"God, would you just shut up for two seconds?!" Thomas screamed. "It's your fault we're here in the first place!" 

"Oh, you would pull that. Nobody said you had to come here!" Alexander yelled back. 

"I always have to fix your mistakes, why should this time be any different?" 

"I was handling it!" 

  "Yeah handling it about as well as you can handle yourself!"  

Alexander stopped for half a second, hearing who he assumed was Andre came down. Then he remembered that he needed to keep the focus away from Maria and he started screaming at Jefferson again. He hoped that he was really selling the whole "angry to the point of literal screaming" because if he wasn't, they were all royally screwed. 

 "Would both of you shut up?" Andre yelled through the doors. "I know what you're trying to do and it won't work." 

"Yeah," Alexander called. "Trying to get him moved somewhere else. He's being a total ass!"  

"And you're being insufferable!" 

"I should have never come back to you!" 

"I wish you would have stayed gone!" 

Hamilton definitely felt that last one, but he knew it was just Thomas sticking to his part of the plan. Andre was silent like he was considering what to do. Then he went to Alexander's door, opening it and dragging Alex into Thomas's cell. Alex was beyond confused and even more worried, but he didn't let himself slip up. He held his glare on Jefferson, already planning how he was going to make this up to him when they got out. Thomas, however, look like he was ready to attack something. 

Andre shoved Alex inside and stepped inside himself, immediately hooking the captive's chain to a loop on the wall.

"Now," he said turning to where Thomas was sitting on the floor. "I know what you two are trying to do and I'm not going to fall for it. Unless you truly do hate him now Thomas?" 

Hopefully keeping up his act, Jefferson nodded curtly and Alexander jerked like he was going to attack him. Andre shrugged. Before anyone had any time to react, he was pinning Hamilton to the wall with a pocket-knife pressed against his scar. Alex did his best to keep a hard glare on his face, but he couldn't deny the panic rising in him as he thought about what was about to happen.

"So you have no problem with me doing this?" He hummed innocently. 

Thomas dropped the act, slightly to Hamilton's dismay, pulling against his short chain to get off the wall. "Get away from him you sick son of a--" 

"See! I knew that was fake. Hamilton, would you like to tell our guest the penalties for lying? Or do you not remember?" Andre let go of Alexander and slipped the blade back into his pocket. "Thomas, since you're new, I'll let Hammy here be an example." 

As suddenly as the blade was pulled out, Andre pulled his knee into Alexander's stomach. Alex immediately doubled over, clutching where he was struck. Thomas pulled so hard against the chain. Hamilton got back up, glaring at Andre with a look that would send anyone six feet under. 

"There's that Hamilton fire I missed." Andre smiled sinisterly and looked ready to hit him again, but he didn't get the chance. Someone came up from behind him and hit him over the head with something, making him collapse to the ground.

Maria rushed into the open cell, picking the locks to their chains with a hairpin. 

"Nice one," Alexander wheezed. Thomas offered to help him out, which he refused.

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