C H A P T E R 2 2_

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The next morning before our fight... I leave a note for the others. I tell of my and Loki's plan and that they need to hold down here in the base best they can until we return. All that they need to know is there. I just hope they will survive... all of them.

I look at every face around me before we head out. I don't want to say goodbye to any of them... not today.

The fight this time doesn't seem real, just a repetitive blur

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The fight this time doesn't seem real, just a repetitive blur. But we make it through like before, saving Barton and the others as we head into the city alone...

I let the light from the sun kiss my face as I walk through the dead city. Loki and I make the same route as before, knowing that it's safe. But when we find the market we exchange a look.

Deciding to go in and salvage what we can is the best option. But this time I walk over rubble and thrown down things toward the back on the opposite side. My eyes scan the walls and shelves and so does the flashlight on my weapon until I find the camping supplies. I reach up and grab a backpack from one of the cluttered shelves and then move to find what we did last time.

I pull canned foods from their place on the thin metal and stuff them in the pack along with some bottled water. It's true I haven't had sleep in a long time now, but I don't let that affect me.

I leave the place immediately and scan around as we travel for a working—... Hmm that one looks drive-able. I step up to the vehicle and find it unlocked. Hopping inside I look around for keys. But surely they wouldn't be left in here. I toss the backpack in the seat behind us as Loki hops into the shotgun seat.

"And how do you suppose you'll start it?" he asks.

I give a look with a brow lifted before I reach for the hazard lights switch and yank it from its place. Then I shove it back in upside down and watch the car turn on.

He looks around as it starts up and I smirk at him. "One of the tricks of the trade," I say.

"I'll never doubt again," he returns my expression.

I then try to figure out how to get this car to drive over all the rubble we are surrounded by.

"I don't suppose this thing wouldn't attract mimics, being so loud," he states as I work on the gas pedal.

"Sounds like doubt to me," I reply plainly.

"Sounds like doubt to me," I reply plainly

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