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(song above dedicated to Steven Rogers)

(song above dedicated to Steven Rogers)

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Steve and I drive until we have to stop to refill the gas tanks. We pull up to an abandoned gas station just off the highway to see what we can salvage. Climbing out of the car I feel the chill of the morning air make bumps on my pale skin. It's not cold out at all... but the air is so dead and dark it brings ice to my veins. I look up at the place that is relatively put together still... There's ash everywhere and it looks like a firebomb landed by the front doors, the concrete cracked and damaged, and the glass shattered. There are things thrown in places but for the most part it looks cleaned out. I spot a dead bird at my feet and I look away from its mangled body.

Steve has found his way to the gas storage under the unit and prepares to do this manually but instead I stick the hose into our vehicle and use telekinesis to bring it into our own tank, bypassing all of the security locks.

As I am doing this he breathes, looking out at the city in thought. "To think that this is the world I fought to protect..." he says quietly. "...My friends died out there... and now look at it..."

"Humanity will always need saving, Steve

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"Humanity will always need saving, Steve... But that doesn't mean what you did was pointless. If you lost... none of us would even exist. At least I know I wouldn't..."


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