C H A P T E R 3 5_

463 14 35

(song above dedicated to Esther Mason)

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I arrive in Pennsylvania holding the small photo in hand. And when the plane lands all of us are released onto the platform. And the first thing my eyes lock onto are the absolutely stunning hazel ones that belong to my beautiful wife, Sarah. She stands in her nurse's scrubs with her long and dark strawberry blonde strands of hair pull from her ponytail. My one year old baby daughter is in her arms as her smile stretched to each corner of her flawless porcelain face.

I try not to let tears fall because my comrades would tease me about it for years but I run forward when my wife walks towards me and when I reach them I pull my darling into a desperate side hug and my hand rests on my Amelia's head.

I was given a second chance. And the reason I am here now is all because of Esther Mason. I was given a brief taste of heaven before pulled back into this world so I could take care of my beloved family with hope for our future. This Time Stone thing may be odd but it gave me my life back as well as my fellow men and many others.

And we all stand together, humanity united like never before.


We walk forward into an oriental courtyard as the sun shines down on us through the thick clouds, seeing small trees planted in the corners as organized exercises of some kind of Kung Fu maybe, dressed in decorated robes of all the same shade of red with layered belts, are taking place at either side.

The grass and walkways are without a single flaw as Loki and I walk through the center of it; as if this place was untouched by the apocalypse.

The men and women in the courtyard move position, their form faultless as I glance at them. We at last approach a figure standing at the end, this person holding a book as they study it. And when we get closer they turn to face us, revealing themselves to be a tall woman wearing royal yellow robes layered more than any others' present, with a bare head and wise eyes that seem to tell even more stories than the Asgardians, her eyebrows also bleach blonde to match her ethereal appearance. She shuts her book and―wait... where did it go?

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