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I stare at the stars as I lay in my nest, my body is in as tight of a ball as I can get it to go, and I can feel how it gives a soft tremble as I stare at the stars. Even though my eyes remain on the bright stars just outside of the large window my mind and sight is full of Ryos pain, and the reflection of his beautiful yet tear streaked horror filled face that I had seen in Scarletts deep blue eyes. I feel so much pain fill me as I see that face, and I feel so much horror rush through me as I hear him begging me to forgive him. It feels as if someone is literally shoving a needle into my heart and slowly peeling each layer of the skin off of it, and every second that passes that I don't have him beside me, I feel another needle add to the first one.

I feel warmth flow through me as Saxon gently trails his long fingers through my wet hair, I can feel the worry that rushes through him but he stays silent as he lays behind me and pulls me to his solid chest making a wave of tingles rush through me. With each breath that leaves him I can feel its warmth as it trails over the back of my neck and down my shoulder making a gentle shiver run down my spine. "It will be alright Shade, we will find him." His deep voice is a soft whisper as it fills my ears and a harsh shiver rushes through my spine.

"I know that I say that we will find him, but is that because I truly will, or because I want nothing more than for that to happen?" He stays silent for a moment as he thinks over my question, then he snuggles his face into my neck and gently kisses my skin making me shiver once more.

"Both. You are the strongest person I have ever met Shade, I have not known you long but I can tell that when you get focused on something that you want, you will fight for it until you have it safe and by your side."

"How are you so sure?" I feel his arms tighten even more around my waist just as I feel the pain that seem to fill his heart as he hears those words.

"Because I will do anything and everything that I can to get your brother back to you, I will go to the ends of the earth to make you happy, and if you end up hating me in the process then I will gladly take it as long as you are happy in the end." His arms tighten around me even more as he speaks and I turn in his strong arms until I face him. He keeps his face in my neck as I move, but as soon as I face him I cup my hands on his cheeks and pull his face away from my neck so that I can look into his beautiful eyes.

"Why would I hate you?" His eyes flash with pain as they stare into my own, but he pushes it away and gives me a bright smile on his beautiful face.

"What if I accidentally do something stupid while on the mission?" I snort and lift a brow.

"Like what?" He smiles and I can't help but to smile back.

"I told you that I had never got the a hang of using many weapons, so what if I misfire with the bow and shoot Echo in the ass?" I chuckle as I think over the time I had done just that just to have some sort of fun and his smile widens.

"Then I would laugh and help you run." A deep chuckle leaves him making my spine shiver at the sound and his eyes brighten even more at my movement. A sigh flows from my lips as his soft plump lips meet my own, even though the touch is soft the tingles that rush through my body are like freshly made fireworks. His kiss is gentle, so soft and loving that I feel my soul melt around his as his warm lips gently move against my own.

When he pulls away he takes in a deep breath and stares into my glowing blue eyes with his own glowing gray eyes and the most beautiful smile I have ever seen fills his face as he gently cups my face and brushes his thumb over my cheek. "Whatever happens on this mission never forget that I love you." His deep voice is a soft whisper as he speaks those words and my heart throbs painfully in my chest as I hear them. I know that he feels the worry, the pain, the fear, and the shock that rushes through me, because I can see his own pain flash within his eyes before he leans forward and kisses my lips in another gentle kiss but this time when he tries to pull away I only pull him closer to me.

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