thirty five

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The room is silent as they all take in my words, I can feel how everyone is either looking at me and my still flat belly, or to Panic and the way he keeps a tight hold around my waist. I can feel how all of their emotions range from shock, to horror, then to pure rage, I can feel how each of them try their best to keep their power contained as they try not to explode for my sake, but I don't focus on any of them. I can feel the way that Saxon is staring at me, his guilt is overtaken by rage as he sees Panics hold on me tighten, yet he forces his rage back only for nothing but pain to fill him as his eyes lower to my flat stomach.

But no matter how much he tries not to, he still moves away from the wall only for him to appear in front of me within the flash of a second. "Shade why did you not tell me?" Even as a soft whisper his deep voice is able to make me flinch as pain rolls through me and Panic lets out a low growl.

"Probably because you were to busy being in another sluts pants." I feel my jaw clench at the pain of Panics words but Saxon just ignores him.


"Why would I tell you something like this after you had rejected me?" My eyes move to his painfully beautiful silver and mossy green eyes only to watch him flinch as he sees the pain that rests within them. "Do you know how painful that was for me? I felt you rip my heart from my chest, I felt nothing but pain, if it hadn't been for Ryo then I would be dead right now, and none of us would have known about my unborn child." As my words leave my lips I watch as his large body flinches and his beautiful jaw gives a harsh jerk as he clenches it together.

"I did not want to reject you Shade, it was the last thing I would ever want to do. You are literally all that I have in this world and I would never do anything to give you up or even to hurt you if it were my choice, but it was you that had asked me to do it so I did it for you because that is what you wanted." I feel the confusion that fills everyone just as it does me and I feel my eyes turn into a dark blue as I glare at him.

"So I had asked you to impregnate me then reject me, and go sleep in some slut rogues bed while I was laying here screaming in pain, without you or my brother here to be able to help me through the pain?" I nearly growl the words out as I speak to him and he gives me a slow nod.

"The only thing you never asked for was the baby, but you did ask me to mate you the next night because you did not know if you would have me the day after. Then you had thought it was because we may have been captured and taken away from each other, but that is only because Reed had erased the memory of your plan and replaced it with those thoughts, just as you had asked him to do." I can feel the way everyone watches me as I think over his words, my eyes do not move away from his beautiful yet saddened dull silver and mossy green eyes, not even to look at Reed to see if he is telling the truth, and after a few minutes I let out a snort as I lean back against Panic.

"Well that would make sense." Panic snorts as I talk and gives me a soft nod.

"It does sound like you." I nod back to him and Nyx snorts.

"So that was why you asked Drake to take us in after the war in case we hated you?" I look at her and shrug.

"I have no idea but it sounds like that was the jist of it." She nods and Ashe shakes his head.

"It is just like you to put yourself through all of this pain just to save Ryo." My eyes move to him and I nod with a small smile on my face.

"I am betting anything that he's pretty pissed right now." My smile grows as they nod in agreement and Scarlett snorts from where she sits on her fathers lap.

"Oh he is more than pissed." At her words I nod before I lose my smile and let out a low sigh.

"I guess I should apologize to everyone for making you all think he rejected me." Fang lets out a snort and my eyes move to his.

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