Chapter 2: I Woke Up Like This ||

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2. I Woke Up Like This

[Zayn’s POV]

I opened my eyes and noticed that things weren’t the same as when I left them. In fact, everything had changed. Hell, even my clothes had changed. As I frantically looked around, I noticed that I wasn’t at the fair anymore.

I was now in some kind of castle. I was sitting in a plush throne and I had a crown sitting on the top of my head. To say I was confused was an understatement. I have to admit, I did like this outfit though. I felt regal. I felt kind of like, um, well-

“Why good morning Prince Zayn!”

I looked up to see Harry coming through the door and down the walkway towards the throne I was seated in.

“Prince?” I asked stupidly. “Harry, what on earth are you talking about?”

“Your Highness, is everything alright? Do I need to call the doctor?” Harry was kneeled before me and I was kind of freaked out at the fact my best friend was on his knees for me. That was just wrong.

“Harry, get up. This isn’t funny. I don’t know what’s going on, but prank’s over,” I said as I took of the crown and placed it on the pedestal next to me.

“Sir, I wasn’t trying to be funny! I promise! I apologize your highness. Would you like me to get the joker to tell you some jokes?”

“Um, actually could you get me a glass of water? I’m parched.”

“Right away sir!” Harry practically sprinted out the door and all I could do is let out a sigh of relief. What was going on?


I looked around, but I didn’t know where the voice was coming from.

“In the crown’s jewel Zayn.”

I picked up the crown and saw the gypsy lady from the fair looking at me right from the jewel.


“Well I see that my spell worked,” she said smugly.

“What’d you do?” I snarled at her.

“Well, Zayn, you saw him as a prince, and now he’s going to see you as one. And why not make it into a real fairytale?”

“This is messed up,” I said as I placed the crown on the pedestal.

“Well, have fun in your stories!”

“Wait! Stories?!”

“Why of course Zayn. I love to read.”

“How many stories are there?”

“As many as I want there to be. Zayn, this story is under my control. You may be the prince, the hero, or even the villain, but that’s all up to me. If you want to get out of these stories, then win Liam. I can assure you, the first few tales won’t be hard, but as we progress, prove to me that you want Liam.”

“He doesn’t even know my name!”

“Well there’s a lot you both don’t know about each other. Get to know him.”

And with that, she disappeared again. I sighed and Harry came in with my glass of water.

“Here you are sir,” he said as he placed it next to the crown.


“Why sir, you look so stressed. What’s the matter?”

“Nothing Haz.”

“Um, sir, I think you’ve forgotten my name. It’s Harry.”

“I know that. It’s a nickname,” I explained as I took a sip of water.

“Oh! Well thank you sir. Um, I was told to ask what kind of food you’d like tonight at the ball,” Harry said as I rubbed my temples.

“Any kind I sup- WHAT DO YOU MEAN BALL?” I shouted as I jumped out of my chair. I must’ve scared Harry because he fell backwards onto his bottom.

“The ball tonight sir! I swear I told you!” Harry exclaimed as he shook in fear. I took a deep breath and pinched the bridge of my nose. I needed to remember I’m in a story. I just have to figure out which one.

“You did, sorry. Um, I’ll leave you in charge of the planning Harry.”

“Really sir?” Harry looked delighted, but there was something I had to tell him before I sent him off.

“Of course, but just call me Zayn.”

“But sir-”

“What was that? I asked as I put my finger against my ear, pretending I didn’t hear it.

“Yes, uh, Zayn,” Harry said softly. I smiled and patted him reassuringly on the back.

“You only have to do it when we’re alone, okay?”

“Alright!” Harry said as he nodded eagerly. He bowed and bounded off the steps and down the hall. When Harry left the door, I let out a sigh that I didn’t realize I was holding. This was all a bit too much right now.

I headed down the steps that lead to the throne and walked down the walkway. Everything just looked so real. Maybe if I’m lucky, I just passed out at the fair and I’ll wake up as soon as I finish this story. That’d be something, but I’d need to speed things up.


I turned to see Harry peeking his head in the room looking timid as ever.

“What’s up?”

“Um, the ceiling?”

I chuckled as I opened the door a bit wider to let myself walk out of the throne room and into the hall. Harry padded behind me as I walked.

“What’s up isn’t a literal statement. It rather means, like, what’s happenin’?” I explained as we walked down the corridor.

“As in what’s going on sir- I mean, Zayn,” Harry asked as he quickly corrected himself.


“Well then, uh, not much, just getting ready for the ball sir.”

“Good. So Harry, remind me, why are we holding this ball again?”

“To find your husband sir.”

“Right, well thank you Haz,” I said politely.

“Of course.”

“Um, this is my room right?”

“Why yes! Are you sure you’re alright?”

“Yeah, I’ll be fine!” I smiled and waved him off before stepping into the room. I closed the door on a wary Harry, but I knew he’d be fine. I still think it’s weird he’s serving me, but it’s whatever I suppose.

I looked around the room and I was amazed at the lavish decorations and the extra space that no one person needed. I mean, this was definitely an upgrade from life back at the dorms. I mean I could stay here forever. But actually, I needed a way to get out of here and back to reality.

I sighed as I paced around the room. I knew that I would have to play out the story, but this was going to be hard since I still had no clue what story I was in. I mean, I wasn’t really all for fairytales when I was growing up. If anything, I loved to read comic books and watch Saturday morning cartoons.

This was going to be a lot harder than it seemed.

A/N: And viola! A second chapter! I have to thank you guys so much for all the love and support! I was going to wait until 50 reads, but i just really wanted to upload and give you guys some new material!! xx

Love ya all!! :)

-Ariel x

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