Chapter 18: There's A Hole In My Soul ||

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18. There’s a Hole in My Soul

[Zayn’s POV]

The past few days here in Liam’s castle has been quite, well nice. I had realized a lot about Liam while staying here with him.

For starters, he’s really intellectual. One afternoon, he took me into his library and it was just an endless array of literature, some books I’d never thought I’d have a chance to read. When I asked him about it, he was bashful. I guess he didn’t want to seem nerdy. If anything, that made me like him a little bit more.

I didn’t think a guy like Liam would like classical works like Dante’s Inferno. Usually most people can’t get past the first chapter without losing interest. I smiled and urged Liam to sit and read with me. Surprisingly he did, and all day we sat in his library and read for hours on end. It was heaven to me.

I even read more of the fairytale book. I hadn’t gotten to this story, but so far what I know is that Liam is a Beast and misunderstood. I doubt that there is a fairytale called that.

Over the days, I had learned that Liam is insightful and caring as well. He may try to play this tough act, but he really does care. Amazing how a person can change over the span of a few days.

I currently wandered around the castle, looking at pictures along the walls when Niall, Louis, and Harry scurried in, frightened looks on their faces.

“Guys, what’s wrong?” I asked as I kneeled down on one knee. Their faces terrified me, but I tried not to let it show.

“People, a, um, mob!” Harry spouted out.

“A mob?” I asked incredulously.

“Yes! They’re coming this way!” Niall said as he hopped up.

“People from your village! Some man named James is leading them,” Louis said as he paced back and forth. “They have pitchforks and knives and weapons and it’s all horrid!”

“Where’s Liam?” I asked.

“Liam? Oh! You two are on a first name basis?” Harry asked as he wiggled his eyebrows.

“HARRY!” We all yelled in order to get him to focus again.

“Sorry! He’s on the roof,” Harry said pointing towards the staircase.

I nodded and took off. I ran up some stairs, but realized, I didn’t know exactly how to get up to the roof. I smacked myself internally for not remembering the layout better.

I ran around for a bit until I heard the door slam open. I heard shouts and yelling, and I knew I didn’t have much time. I only had a few moments before getting to where I needed to be.

Now where would I need to go to get to the roof? I pondered as I ran around, trying to find Liam, my mind frantically trying to find a place. Then it hit me. The one place I had barely been since I’ve stayed here.

The West Wing.

I ran, trying to remember where it was. I knew it couldn’t be far, and I was surprisingly correct. I swung the door open and saw the staircase that would take me to the roof. I climb up the stairs, tripping over myself a bit as I made to the top.

I saw Liam standing there, the rain pelting down on him. He looked below him, as the mob entered his castle.

“Liam, what are you doing?” I asked frantically. “We have to get you out of here!”

“It’s alright Zayn,” Liam said softly.

“How could it be alright? These guys might see you and try to hurt you! I don’t want that.”

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