Chapter 13: You're A Natural Disaster ||

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13. You’re a Natural Disaster

[Zayn’s POV]

When I opened my eyes, things had changed around me once again. I sighed as I stood off the ground, in which I appeared to be standing in a field. I grumbled as I walked towards a house, which wasn’t too far a ways off.

As I made my way over, I noticed that there were a few chickens, a horse, and a few other farm animals, but nothing too major. It seemed as though the place was a farm, but not a very successful one. It seemed a bit run down. I almost kept looking at the animals until I heard an explosion from the house.

“What the hell?” I mumbled to myself, before I sprinted over to the house. I saw that the smoke came from the basement, so I opened the door, which was luckily unlocked, and found my way downstairs.

“Hello?” I called out. I coughed a bit as the smoke engulfed my vision and air.

“Zayn? Is that you my boy?” A voice called out.

“Yeah,” I said. I finally saw that an older man, who looked oddly familiar, was standing around a weird looking contraption.

“Sorry about that. This confounded contraption just won’t seem to work!” He grumbled as he kicked a piece of metal. I looked at him, puzzled by his behavior, and then I realized who he looked like.


The man turned to face me with an expectant look on his face. He looked just like me dad, but a bit older. It was strange because I didn’t think I’d be seeing my father in this illusion.

“Yes my boy?”

“Uh, I- sorry.”

“For what? You’ve done nothing wrong! Now you go and get some fresh air!” He exclaimed as he gently guided me up the stairs. “Don’t you have that book to return to the bookstore?”

“I-I think so?” I said, unsure of what he was talking about. “Um, where did I leave it?”

“Why, isn’t it on the table with your knapsack?”

I looked over, and sure enough, there was a book and a bag just waiting there for me. I felt a bit of the confusion go away, but of course, since I had no clue what story this was even based off of, I was still lost.

“Alright then, uh, Pa. I’m going to go into, um, town now,” I said as I grabbed the things off the table. “I’ll see you later!”

“Bye son! Have a nice time!” He called before going back down into the basement.

I headed outside and found myself walking towards the town. It wasn’t too far away, and I enjoyed the walk. I didn’t think I’d consider a nice day, but it was. The trees were changing color and I could only assume it was fall. I smiled as I entered the little town square, but my smile quickly faded from my face.

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