Chapter 16: Lessons Learned ||

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16. Lessons Learned

[Zayn’s POV]

I woke up the next day to a rap on my door. I stretched out a bit before getting up to answer the door. I had on a pair of pants, but I didn’t sleep with a shirt on. It was far too hot and I didn’t want to get all sweaty throughout the night.

I swung open the door to reveal Niall, Louis, and Harry standing before me with their faces lit up. I got down on one knee and smiled at them.

“Hey guys,” I said. “What’s up?”

“The Master would like you to accompany him for breakfast!” Louis said. “And you better not go showing up like that.”

“And why not?” I asked as I raised an eyebrow.

“It’s not appropriate!” Louis said as he placed a handle to his chest area.

“Now Louis,” Harry said as he patted him on the top of the head, well clock area, he smiled and shook his head. “Calm down. Master is okay for now.”

“What do you mean okay?” I asked curiously.

“You should come down and see for yourself. I don’t know what you said to him last night, but he’s calmed down drastically. He even said hello to me this morning!” Niall said with glee.

I chuckled a bit as I watched Niall hopped up from excitement. I gave them a signal to give me a moment as I turned around to grab a baggy t-shirt and slip it on over my head as I followed the three lively items out the door.

“How did you sleep tonight Mister Zayn?” Louis asked as we made our way down the hall.

“It was alright, and please, just call me Zayn,” I said as my cheeks tinted a bit.

“I would hope you slept well considering he gave you one of the biggest rooms in the house!” Harry said with a cheeky grin.

“Well, I didn’t ask him to,” I said sheepishly.

“We know and that’s what makes it better!” Niall exclaimed. “Hey maybe you could break the curse!”

“Okay,” I said, stopping as soon as the word fell from my lips. “Will someone explain this curse to me?”

“Well, you have to promise not to say anything to Master,” Louis said in a reprimanding tone.

“I won’t. I promise!” I said as I motioned for one of them to tell the story.

“Alright,” Harry began. “Back a long time ago, the castle was once a place of joy and wonder. Music filled the air, smells of pastries decorated the halls, and life was grand. But Master, well he wasn’t the kindest person.

“You see, he was selfish. The darkness in his heart seemed to consume any joy he once had. He began to become bitter towards all of his workers and, as you can see from his temper, everyone began to fear him. It got so bad that people would hide and run away. He wasn’t forcing them to stay, but no one wanted to face him, in fears of him spouting out at them.

“One night, I believe it was Christmas Eve-”

“It was!” Niall piped up as he hopped next to Harry. Harry smiled at him, and I swear I saw the love in his eyes.

“Thanks Niall,” he said before continuing. “One night, on Christmas Eve, the Master was in a fairly foul mood. He seemed to hate every present he received and he barely gave back. He just wasn’t having it this year. It seemed as though would cheer him up.

“Then there was a sudden knock at the door. I remember him grumbling to himself obscenities about who could be out in the cold on Christmas Eve. When he swung open the door, we were surprised to see a little old lady. She stood there shaking in the cold as she spoke. She said, ‘May I stay for the night?’ But the master looked at her as though she was the most gruesome thing he had ever seen. He told her, ‘I would never let an ugly old hag like you stay here. Besides, what have you to give to me?’ That was when the old lady held up a beautiful red rose. It glimmered as thou it was enchanted, but the Master still wanted nothing to do with her or the rose.

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