Chapter 12: Hurry Up And Save Me ||

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12. Hurry Up and Save Me

[Zayn’s POV]


Rae’s snappish voice caused me to spin around and see her standing behind me, looking rather unpleasant.

“I-I didn’t know what was going on. I-I panicked,” I said as I played with my fingers. She scoffed and snapped her fingers. Before I knew it, everything began to disintegrate around me again. It was still strange to see everything crumbling so fast around me.

I stared at where Liam was frozen, and how everything was crumbling around him so quickly. It was nice to study Liam. I took a few steps so we were a few inches apart before I noticed something was occurring. His eyes began to form to their natural color and he looked as though he was having a revelation. His mouth went to open, but he disintegrated before he had the chance to say a word.

“What was that?!” I said as I spun around to face Rae.

“What?” She said as she sat down on the ground, I think. We happened to be in a white space, almost like a blank page.

“Liam! He, well, he looked like normal for a moment. I mean, I thought he recognized me.”

“I wouldn’t be shocked if he did.”


“None of your business really.”

“Well, why don’t I have to disintegrate or something?”

“Because it’s not your time yet.”

“My time?”

She threw her hands up in exasperation. “Do you have to ask so many questions?”

“Well it’s not like you’re answering a lot of them,” I mumbled. I was irritated so I just started to walk in the other direction, anywhere to get away from this old wench. I mean, she’s not that old, but I don’t care.

“Where on Earth are you going?” She asked from behind me.

“Away from you!” I hollered over my shoulder. I kept walking until I couldn’t see her behind me anymore. I felt satisfied until she appeared in front of me.

“How’d you do that?” I asked.

“And here we go with more questions.” She said as she rolled her eyes and stood up. “Maybe you should try and go with the flow instead of trying to dissect everything.”

“I do go with the flow!”

“No you don’t. You’re anal about everything. You have to know what’s going on down to the last millisecond. And if you don’t happen to ‘approve’ of what’s occurring, you won’t partake in the festivities. Am I right or am I right?” She stared at me with a smug with a smug look on her face and I couldn’t help but glower at her. She was right, but I wouldn’t let her get the benefit of the doubt. I refused to.

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