Chapter 6: Forget About Love ||

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6. Forget About Love

[Zayn’s POV]

“Oh dear, looks like you’ve gone and messed it all up,” the gypsy said as she sat down on the couch in foyer.

“What have you done?” I hissed at her.

“Obviously nothing properly. How did you break the spell?”


“That curly haired one. He knew who you were. He broke character!”

“Oh Harry. Um, to be honest I really don’t know. He just remembered after a bit.”

“Oh, he was probably around you for too long,” she said as she pushed herself off the couch.

“Wait!” I called out. She hadn’t really moved so she looked shocked as I stopped her with my brashness. “What’s going to happen to them?”

She looked at the floor and then back up at me. The look in her eyes seemed to have changed a bit. She seemed to be more evil. I gulped as she took a step towards me, her heels clacked against the hollow marble beneath us.

“Now listen here Zayn, it’s obvious that you are trying to get back to your life, but I don’t let my clients go that easily. You don’t get to leave until you guess my name.”

“That’s not fair! You said as long as I show Liam I like him, I can go!” I exclaimed desperately.

“Well life’s not fair you pathetic imbecile. Now if you can guess my name, then I’ll let you go.” She said as she drew her nail along my cheek.

“What if I can’t?” I asked softly. I trembled as her nail continued to drag along my face.

“Well, looks like you’ll be living a fairytale for a while won’t you?”


“Why what?”

“Why me?”

“Oh Zayn, you’re the one who entered my tent. Don’t ask me why when it’s clear that you’re the one who begged for my attention. Why question it now?”

“But I didn’t think this would happen!” I explained as I gestured around myself.

“Well that’s not my problem is it?”

“I mean it kind of is,” I said shyly.

“Well I guess you should figure out how to clean this whole mess up,” she said as she sat back down on the couch.

“Well I guess I just need to find Harry again and-”

“And what?” Her voice was sharp as she stopped me mid-sentence. “Have him help you? Well dearie, let me tell you something, he can’t.”

“But he knows who I am! He broke through this fairytale madness!”

“He knew you. When he vanished, I made sure to erase this story from his mind along with all of your other friends. That’s how it’s going to be for every story Zayn. You’re going to have to realize that you are alone in this.”

I looked at her in disbelief. She had to be kidding right now. There was no way I was going to get out of this with all of my sanity intact. I mean, it was one thing I had to win over Liam, but now I had to guess this woman’s name? I mean it could be anything. It was probably Irene or something silly. Maybe I would get a clue from one of the stories.

“Well I think it’s about time we get started on the next story, don’t you agree?” She said as she gave me a wicked smile.

“No actually, I don’t.” I mumbled.

“Well good thing your opinion doesn’t matter.”

I looked around me and saw the scenery was beginning to fade away into nothing. The dust piles were gone before I had a chance to collect them up. Why would I want their dust remains? Well, I don’t really know. Maybe I had a chance to collect a memory or something.

“Look, can we just discuss things?” I asked as my surroundings continued to fade away.

“There’s nothing to discuss Zayn. I know you might be confused because of your tiny pee brain, but it isn’t that hard. Guess my name, the story ends.”

“But what about Liam? Aren’t I supposed to be trying to win him over as well?”

“Oh yeah. Maybe this might all be a bit hard for you. Just forget about love for now. If you don’t push it, maybe it’ll be natural.”

“Or if I just focus on that I can have him help me!”

“Yeah, whatever,” she said as she faded with the couch. I reached out to grab her, but I only felt air through my fingertips.

I groaned as I stood in a blank white space. To say I was confused was an understatement. I had no clue what I had gotten myself into. I just wanted to stay home today, but no, Harry just had to take me outside. And Niall just had to go off and invite Liam and Louis, and now we’re all here stuck in this mess.

I felt like kicking something, but I couldn’t because there was nothing to kick. I was standing in nothingness. This was dull and I was ready to get out. I just wanted this all to be done with.

I began to walk in God knows what direction and that’s when I saw something out of the corner of my eye. I squinted, but then realized what was rushing at me.


I panicked as I tried to out run the liquid, but it caught up to me. I felt sick as I felt the water seep through my clothing. There was a problem with all of this since I couldn’t swim.

I closed my eyes, praying and hoping for the best, but expecting the worst.

A/N: Another update! Gasp, water? I wonder where Zayn could be off to next?? Ooo lala ;) Well you guys keep reading and commenting on this even though it sucks hahaha x Love ya all!!! :)

-Ariel xx

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