Chapter 4: There's One Thing On My Mind ||

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4. There’s One Thing on My Mind

[Zayn’s POV]

“Zayn are you alright?” Harry asked as I paced around the throne room. It was the day after the ball and I was still trying to think of a way to find Liam. I couldn’t let him out of my grasp that easily.

Naturally I would’ve let him be, but last night, that wasn’t Liam. That was some guy I’d never met before. He was kind, insightful, and down to earth. The Liam I’m around is always acting like an overzealous douche and it was annoying. He pretended he was the hottest thing to grace the earth, when in all actuality he was barely a cool breeze.

But last night, he was interested in me. I’m pretty sure because I’m a prince and all, most people wanted to get to know me for my worth, but Liam, well, he seemed different. I’d be darned in saying this, but he almost seemed interested in me as a person. I know that sounds silly, but he truly did.

“No, honestly, I’m not,” I said as I sunk into the throne chair.

“What’s the matter?” Harry looked genuinely concerned and that warmed my heart a bit. In real life, Harry would’ve been concerned as well, but he wouldn’t have been this calm about it. He probably would’ve suggested we go out to a bar or stayed in and watched a movie. We don’t really talk about our feelings, but I don’t mind.

“I think I found someone last night. Actually, I know I found someone.”

“The boy you snuck off with?”

“We didn’t really sneak off Haz.”

“Yeah you did,” he said pointedly.

“Oh hush,” I said with a small smile.

“I’m right aren’t I?”

“Yeah. He’s something.”

“Well what’s the problem?”

“I never got his name, and all I have left is this,” I whined as I held out the sleeve. “What if he doesn’t come back for it? Can we just hold another ball?”

“Zayn, calm down,” Harry said with a small smile. “There’s no need to throw another ball.”

“And why not?”

“We can just go to him!” Harry looked so proud of himself. I didn’t want to take that away from him, but I had to point out the obvious to him.

“But Harry, I think you missed the part where we don’t know who he is, thus we don’t know where he lives,” I explained exasperatedly.

“So? You’re the Prince! Besides, I have the locations of each house that made reservations and showed up last night.”

“What?” I said as I shot my head up.

“Well, uh, yeah,” he said, as he rubbed the back of his neck. “You know, just in case some left something behind, like a shoe.”

“Harry, you’re a genius!” I said.

“No, I’m just me,” he said as he blushed fiercely.

“Don’t be so modest! I’m not use to that,” I said as I muttered the latter part. Harry was usually a pompous ass. He would strut around like a peacock half of the time and everyone would fawn over him. I was surprised that he settled down. I mean, I loved the fact that him and Niall were together, but it was always weird to see him with a boyfriend.

You see, Harry and I, we go back to primary school. He stood up for me when some kids were picking on me for reading with the girls instead of playing footie with the rest of the lads. Even back then, I knew something was a bit different about me.

Anyways, Harry swooped in and handled them for me. Since then we had been friends. You might even call us best friends. For a while people thought we were dating, but I had to reassure them that I wasn’t into Harry like that. Niall was one of those people, but I was happy he didn’t think we were dating for too long.

The reminiscing of all the past makes me want to get out of here. I mean, I should’ve never gone into that stupid tent. I could’ve just stayed with the group, but no. I had to go and prove everyone wrong. Now we were in this mess. This was like some kind of twisted fairy tale.

 “When can we go?” I asked as I rose from the chair.

“When is the best time for you sir?”

“Zayn,” I corrected.

“Sorry. I meant Zayn,” Harry said as he flushed.

“Now,” I commanded. I hopped down the steps as Harry’s jaw dropped.

“Right now sir? Isn’t that a bit sudden?”

“Well love’s supposed to be spontaneous and what not right?”

“Why look at you! You never struck me to be a romantic,” Harry said as I swung open the door.

“Love makes us do silly things sometimes.”

“You’re in love now?!” Harry said as we entered into the hallway.

“I dunno, but that guy was pretty amazing yesterday,” I said.

“I think you’ve lost it.”

“Oh hush. Besides, aren’t you supposed to be getting the information on the attendees of the ball last night?”

“Right! I shall be back!” Harry said as he scuttled away to get what he needed. I shook my head as I smiled after him. Even in this book Harry’s still the closest to me. But why isn’t he with Niall? I mean, I get it’s a story, but it’d be nice to see them together.

I waited in the hall as I played with the hem of my petticoat. I didn’t wear a lot of different clothes in the story. Maybe it’s just a fairytale thing, but people should pay more attention to that.

“Ready?” Harry asked as he popped out of nowhere. I jumped a bit, not hearing him come back, but I recomposed myself quickly. I simply nodded and allowed him to lead the way.

I didn’t want him to see my face as I smiled with glee on the fact I’d be getting my own Prince Charming. I know, I didn’t believe in fairytales, but this was something new. I didn’t quite understand how everything was working out in my favor, but it was and I enjoyed it.

Maybe I should stay in the fairytale world forever.

A/N: A quick little update! Guys, both of my other stories have been getting an insane number of reads and all the support means the world to me! Thank y'all so much xx :) Love you guys!!

-Ariel x

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