Am I good enough ?

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Eph 1:6
" To the praise of the glory of his grace,wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved ."

I feel in today's society you are made to believe that , you have to look and act a certain way to be accepted by society. The media is the biggest contributor to this . They create this "image" of what the perfect girl would and should look like .

But guess what ? There isn't a "perfect" girl out there. We are all unique in our own way . And I'm about certain that the girl used in those ads and magazine covers to portray the "perfect look" was even edited before published to look even better.

These are all things that makes us ask ourselves . Am I good enough ? Will I be good enough if I don't look like that girl ? Will I be beautiful if I do all these things to get "the perfect body" ? But let me tell you this. There isn't such a thing.

God made all of us unique and special in our own way.

We all have our insecurities and that includes myself. I often find myself wondering if I'm worthy enough if I'm good enough ? Because I don't look like that magazine cover girls, I just don't.

But when all we really need to do is stop. Stop, comparing ourselves to eachother . Stop, thinking we aren't good enough because we don't look a certain way that the media makes us believe we should look . Stop, breaking ourselves down and hurting ourselves because we don't feel good about ourselves.

Think of it this way. If God wanted to create the perfect woman , he would've and we all would've looked the same.

We all would look and act the same and no-one would be unique and special anymore. We would all be boring and ordinary and...the same.

What a world to live in then. Think about it , what if it was the other way around . What if God made all guys the same they all looked and acted the same. Would you want a guy who was the same as everyone else ? Or would you like a guy different from everyone else ? Someone who is unique and special in their own way . I don't know about you , but I would much rather date a guy who's different and unique in his own way than someone who's the same as everyone else out there .

Now that's how I believe guys would see us girls too. No-one wants someone who's the same or a copy cat . They want someone who's unique and special and can be confident in who they are , just the way you are.

So stop today just stop. Stop comparing yourself , stop thinking your worthless and unworthy of love and happiness . Because we all are worthy of love , worthy of happiness and we all are special and unique in God's eyes and that's all that matters.

 Because we all are worthy of love , worthy of happiness and we all are special and unique in God's eyes and that's all that matters

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