My quite time playlist

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I want to try something different for this chapter.  It's not a devotional or lesson , rather a tip or suggestion.  I want to share with you my most recent quite time playlist , the songs I listen to when I have my quite time , praise and worship , study the Bible etc. With the hope that you would enjoy some of it too and use it in your quite time .

Now my quite time usually on the weekends are more in depth if I can put it like that , because I don't have school or anything rushing me in the morning , because I believe my best quite time is early in the morning . So I would get up early  (not like 4am but earlier than  usual  ) and the first thing I do before doing anything else is get up for my quite time . Now I obviously still live with my parents so I don't have a house to myself ,so I use headphones when doing my quite time not to disrupt anyone from their sleep . But if you can I would recommend playing it aloud , it will be more comfortable than having something on your head or in your ears (because my  cord sometimes gets in the way when I lift my hands etc)


Next I would put my playlist on shuffle and just sit and listen to the first song,  just listening or singing quietly just to get into the spirit before praying . After that I would just pray to God thanking him for the new day , to bless my day,  tell him to help me with certain things through out and just sing in between and just spend some quality time with the Lord,  praising him . And when I'm done I just get quite and ask the Lord to lead me in his Word.  I would then read his Word and do some in depth Bible study . And then start my day. 

This was just a short summary of my  quite time routine but everyone's differs.

So here's my playlist :

1) Casting Crowns - Here's my Heart Lord

2) Casting Crowns -made for worship
3) Planetshakers -Deeper

4) Jesus Culture -Show me your glory

5) Planetshakers -Hope of all hearts

6) Planetshakers- Like a fire

These are just a few but their each about 6-10 min long so if I'm through the playlist but still feel the need to go on  I usually repeat it. Hope you enjoyed this and may God bless you on your journey with Him ❤

My DM is always open if you need someone to chat to or just need a friend ❤❤

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