VOTD 2 Jan 2020

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I hope no one minds but today I'm not talking about a verse. But more like ... a song that really opened my eyes.

A lot of the time I think we get so caught up with doing things, rushing around that we tend to ramble our prayers like we're residing a poem. We speed through our time with God because we have so MANY things still needing to be done that we lose SIGHT of Him. And... ultimately disconnect.  I'm SO guilty of this until I recently decided that my chores and task will have to fit in AROUND my time with God and not the other way around.

I came across this song the other day when I  listened to someone else's Worship Spotify playlist . The song's called FIX MY EYES - by King and Country . Some of you may know it but to those who just learned of it's existence like I did , it's REALLY eye opening.

The lyrics says ;

When I stand face to face with the younger me , all of the mistakes and heartache, here's what I'd do differently. 

I'll love like I'm not scared.
Give when it's not fair.
Live life for another.
Take time for a brother.
Fight for the weak ones.
Speak up for freedom.
Find faith in the battle.
Stand tall but ABOVE IT ALL ,

On you.

And I think a lot of the times we need to remind ourselves that God needs to be put first in our lives. That we need to FIX our eyes on Him again .

That's my goal for the year. Fixing my eyes and time on Him again.

I love you all ❤❤❤

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