VOTD 29 Dec 2019

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As followers and children of Christ. It's basically our duty to go out and spread the Word of God. To make disciples out of the nations. I mean why wouldn't we want to spread the GREAT news that is Jesus Christ? Am I right ?

Matthew 28:19 says ; Therefor go and make disciples of all !

And there's a lot of the time where it's so easy ! People are willing , people listen , you change lives ! But not everyone is that willing to listen... so that's where we need to understand and practice the rule that is ; "There is a time to keep silience and a time to speak up "

Now I'm not saying keeping quiet and writing them off as a 'lost cause' , to God there is no such thing as a 'lost cause '. Every life and every soul is valuable to Him. What I'm saying is , that if you've done your part - which is sharing the good news - the rest is up to God.

The final say always ends up being with Him anyway. At the end of the day the matter needs to be left with God who has ALL hearts in his hand committing ourselves unto him in HUMBLE submission,  believing hope and passionate prayer.

That's it. You don't always have to hit someone's door down until they let you in and convert. Converting isn't our sole misson here on earth. I believe that if we just spread the Word in our best abilities , God will handle the rest.

I love you all and have a Blessed Sunday❤❤❤

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