Chapter 58

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When I wake to my alarm, Harry and I have our legs tangled as he still holds me closely from behind, his quiet snoring creating a relaxing humming sound. Luckily he didn't wake up. I lay for a few moments thinking about what we found out yesterday, well what I found yesterday. Harry was barely listening as the doctor tried to inform us about Mr. Styles current situation. He didn't give us too much and I suspect that was at Mr Styles request. All we know is that he started chemo and is not reacting to it greatly so far, but who does? It's chemo. Probably the hardest therapy someone can go through. Its pulling you closer to death in a way that kills the other virus and it's your body that has to be strong enough to fight back.

I give Harry's warm hand a gentle squeeze knowing there are tough times ahead, this hospital visit being the first of many to come. The hospital smell use to make me sick when I first started going with my brother, but then I started eating these weird fruit bars. They smelled natural and tasted so fruity that it hid the smell from my senses for a while until I got used to it and didn't need the distraction. My brother laughed and said I should just get a bucket of chicken nuggets to hide the smell but I know he just wanted me to bring them for himself.

I try to untangle myself from Harry's strong embrace though his arm locks against my body as soon as I try to lift it off.

"Where do you think you're going?" he mumbles into my hair as he snuggles himself closer to me from behind.

"I have work" I say quietly, hoping he lets me go without a fuss. I have so many contracts I need to check, copy and deliver to different partners of Mr Styles Company before Wednesday.

"So...stay with me" he says placing a small kiss on my shoulder and I sigh in frustration as I would obviously much rather stay in bed with Harry then go deal with annoying business men. Apart from Mr Styles of course, he's definitely the exception when it comes to work though he won't be there.

"I wish I could" I say turning over to face him. He doesn't open his eyes but still pulls me closer to him, hugging me tight.

"You can though. My dad's not there and you're his PA so what's a PA if there is not 'personal' to be the 'assistant' of. It doesn't make sense" he rambles, obviously still sleepy.

"You don't make sense" I smile as I watch him peer out of one eye while keeping the other screwed shut.

"Whatever" he says, taking his right leg and wrapping it around my lower half.

I try and remove myself but he holds me tight with a faint smile playing along his lips.

"Harry I'm going to be late"

"mhmm" he mumbles obviously not caring.

"I need to drive to my place before going to work so I can get ready"

"It would be easier if you had stuff here" he says which I suppose is true though it's not at all helpful right now.

"Yeah but I don't" I state the obvious while having another go at removing myself though it's hopeless.

"Move in with me then" he suddenly says, opening his eyes now, though he still squints with tiredness.

Woah ok this just got serious. I stare at him silently not knowing what to say. Move in? We just got over our last fight two days ago and he's asking me to move in.

"Isn't the house a little broken?" I ask thinking back to the last time I was there collecting my stuff.

Harry was cleaning some glass up in the kitchen but the holes in the walls and broken furniture still remained.

"Yeah but I don't mean out there. I mean in here. With me" he says, eyes full of seriousness that sends my nerves racing.

When he looks at me like that I feel so intimidated. Not in a scary way, but in a way that makes me nervous as I know he is not playing around. I honestly don't know what to say. He want's me to move in here with him? That's different to me living out in the other house. At least back then I would have my own space of I needed it. In here we would be with each other 24/7, not to mention his dad. What would Mr Styles think about me moving in? He might not even want me to and no way would I do it without his permission. He's sick and doesn't need the Harry/Ella dramas to bring him down any more than it already does. Not that there will be any.

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