Chapter Seven- The Guardians

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"What is it with him and fainting?" Stark grumbled, slinging Loki onto the sofa.

"He's just a very dramatic person," Romanoff answered. Barton shrugged. He put his shoulders back and raised his head, spreading his arms.

"I am Clint Barton of Earth!" he proclaimed. "And I am burdened with glorious purpose!"

"And wheat purpose is that, exactly?" Banner asked.

"I shall free your people!" Barton exclaimed.

"From what?"

"The misconception that there is such a thing as too much cake!" the archer shuddered, horrified. The five fell about laughing.

"I am also burdened with glorious purpose!" Stark yelled. "I will nickname everyone!"

"So am I! I will show everyone how to use a gun!" Romanoff added.

"I'm burdened as well! I'm going to teach everyone to mind their language!" At the Captain's comment, the Avengers doubled over, laughing, tears streaming from their eyes.

"What in the nine realms are you doing?" Loki was sitting up, staring at them in disbelief. Upon hearing his voice they laughed harder, reminded of who first said the phrase.

"We are merely trying to be like you, my King!" Stark gasped out. Loki looked unimpressed, raising a slender eyebrow questioningly. "We are all burdened with glorious purpose!" At this, the laughter increased. Loki made a disgusted noise in the back of his throat and got up in search of his brother.


"I am just telling you what I heard!" Thor protested. Valkyrie growled.

"And I'm telling you that's impossible!" she hissed. "He never leaves his throne!"

"He doesn't have to, not if he has the Other use his magic," the God of Thunder reasoned. Valkyrie looked defeated, muttering under her breath. They stood in the hanger of their ship, in the shadows where no one could see them. After Loki had passed out, Thor had grabbed Valkyrie and pulled her away, needing to converse with her. She was not pleased, but he didn't care. Not if he was involved.

"What do you want to do about it?" the blue-clad warrior snapped. Thor shrugged helplessly. He truly had no idea, hoping that Valkyrie might.

"If you told me what this little chat was about, I might be able to help," the two Asgardians jumped at the interjection. Loki stepped into the light, an inquisitive look on his face.

"Nothing," Thor answered quickly, glancing sternly at Valkyrie. She rolled her eyes and shook her head, glaring at the mischief maker.

"You are still a terrible liar," Loki stated dryly. "And your friends are morons. You must fit in so well." Thor sighed, not having the energy to deal with Loki's insults. "Now, what are you talking about?"

"Thanos the Destroyer," Valkyrie informed him before Thor could stop her. "And the powers of the Other." Thor felt a spark of anger inside him that she disobeyed his orders. Loki looked momentarily thrown, but he quickly composed himself and smirked.

"The Other has no power anymore," he laughed. "He is dead." Valkyrie gasped.

"Dead?" Thor repeated disbelievingly. Loki nodded. "How?"

"Ronin the Accusor snapped his neck," he answered impassively. "From what I heard, he didn't get to finish his sentence!" He sniggered slightly, and it was clear that the thought brought him some kind of twisted happiness. There was a time when Loki had been so innocent and carefree, but now all Thor saw in his eyes was rage and hate.

"You think this is a laughing matter?" he demanded. "You aren't concerned that there is someone out there who killed the Other?" Loki rolled his eyes.

"Ronin is also dead," he shrugged. Valkyrie frowned.

"Why is everyone dying?" she shook her head. "How did he die?"

"He was disintegrated by an infinity stone," the Jotun said. "The Guardians stopped him and managed to hold an infinity stone when they were holding hands."

"The Guardians?"

"The Guardians of the Galaxy."


"Peter! We're coming into range!" Gamora strode towards him, red hair bouncing around her shoulders, eyes focussed on her captain. The Star Lord glanced up.

"Take us down, Gamora. I'm going home."

A/N: bet you weren't expecting THAT! Haha! Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've been busy with my GCSEs. I'd love to hear what you think, though! So comment comment comment! And vote! Pretty please? Okay, okay. I'll stop. Don't forget to vote, comment etc. Love you guys! xxx

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