Chapter Seventeen- Tony goes to Space

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Tony Stark was an asshole.

When Quill first met the infamous man- renowned even off world- he was excited. Then he was disappointed. Then he was pissed off.

Stark had strode towards them, his chest glowing blue, grasping a young boy tightly by the shoulder. Yondu sauntered casually alongside him, his magic whistle arrow tucked behind his ear.

"Get the jets started, boy," Yondu had called, twirling his finger in the air. The blue man stepped onto the ship, muttering in Quill's ear as he passed, "Don't get your hopes up. He's a dick."

Yet he had still held hope. How foolish he was.

The second Stark stepped onto the ship, he'd acted like everything belonged to him. He ordered the Guardians around, messed with the systems... Quill couldn't take it. He finally snapped when he caught the billionaire going through his personal stuff.

"That is it! You are confined to your quarters!"

Stark squinted up at him, rocking back on his heels.

"Are you sending me to my room?"

Quill hesitated. He was loathe to treat his hero like a spoilt child, but that was exactly how he was acting. He nodded, putting his hands on his hips and stranding in what he hoped was an authoritative stance.

"That's right. Now go."

"Can I ask why?"

"You are being rude!" Quill snapped. "You're treating my crew like servants, and the ship like your own personal toy. And that's my stuff! You can't just go through someone's stuff!" Stark laughed.

"This stuff is a load of shit! A pair of rubber gloves, some hair pins and-" he held up a plastic wrapped tube- "is that a tampon?"

Quill snatched it from his hands. "It might be a load of shit, but it's my shit, and you have no right to be going through it!"

"You know what? You're right. I don't. Do you wanna know why I do it?"

Quill nodded reluctantly.

"I do it because that-" Stark pointed at the boy he'd arrived with- "is Loki, and he invaded Earth with an army of cyborgs, and is responsible for the death of thousands of people. My people."

Quill scoffed. "He's seven!"

"He wasn't always."

"What's that supposed to mean? And what that got to do with you going through my stuff?"

"I accidentally turned him into a child when I was conducting a scientific experiment. And I'm going through your stuff so I know I can trust you. That child is a war criminal. I need to make sure you guys aren't too," Stark explained calmly. Quill frowned.

"If he's a child, does that mean he technically hasn't done anything bad yet? That he's still innocent?"

"That's a question I've been asking myself," Stark muttered. "Who offered the bounty for him, anyway?" Quill's eyes darkened, his expression turning unnaturally blank.

"Trust me, buddy. You don't wanna know."


"I don't know how you did it, Pepper." Coulson stared incredulously round the room, the atmosphere calm and quiet. "Tony barely stopped them from destroying the tower."

Pepper smiled, the expression like a knife dripped in honey. "Sometimes it takes a woman's touch."


Nebula's echoey voice called to him, loud and snakelike in the throne room. The Destroyer turned, eyes narrowed, always watching, always calculating.

"What is it, daughter?"

"We have located the Asgardian. The man known as 'Yondu' is transporting him to a secure facility known as the 'Void' for incarceration."

Thanos hissed. "That cannot be allowed to happen! He has the Tesseract!"

"Would you like me to retrieve it for you?" Nebula's eyes gleamed at the thought. Her father seemed to examine her, weighing her. Judging her.

"Very well. Do not fail me."

A/N: it's hot, so I apologise for the shortness. I also forgot my plot completely while writing it so that's another reason why. Whatcha guys think?

Question of the Week:

What was the colour of Loki's armour in the first Thor film?

Let's see who gets this right!!!! Don't forget to vote, comment etc. Love you guys xxx

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