The one where Laura gets jealous for no reason

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Set in a 'none of the conflict that happened in the series mattered' AU

Laura shouldn't be so angry right now, given that she knew what she signed up for when she started dating a 337 year old vampire. She knew going in that Carmilla had a few centuries worth of experience more than she does, so it shouldn't bother her hearing about Carmilla's ex girlfriends, but it does.

Well, just one of them, to be precise.

The thing is when Carmilla talks about her past, it's with a sour expression, like she just bit into a lemon. Her eyebrows furrow in concentration trying to remember all the details correctly. Laura could watch her for hours that way, comforting her through the more painful stories. Elle. Her stories always bring a pained expression to Carmilla's face. But this one story isn't bitter at all, she's practically swooning here in bed next to Laura with a soft smile on her lips. Laura would be lying if she said she didn't feel extremely jealous of a girl who is long dead.

"When was this again?"

"The end of the 18th century... 1799, maybe. Just before Napoleon rose to power. And she never was my girlfriend. I barely even learned her name. I never saw her again after-"

"After she ravaged you in a dark alley," Laura finishes bitterly, wrapping her arms tighter around Carmilla's waist and burying her face in her shoulder to somehow hide how immature and petty she feels.

"I tried to ravage her first. She's lucky she made it out alive."

The vampire turns her head to look at her, and Laura tries to keep her breathing steady and even... completely forgetting the obvious.

Her vampire girlfriend is, obviously, a vampire and can probably hear how fast her heart is beating from a mile away.

"Hey, Laura," Carmilla says, and Laura can imagine that her girlfriend's soft eyes are full of concern or guilt, but when she finally looks up at her she only sees adoration. "I don't need 'spidey senses' to be able to tell that something is bothering you"

"It's nothing..." Laura starts, trying to stall for as long as she can, but one more glace into Carmilla's eyes renders her helpless. The dark-haired girl raises one perfect eyebrow and her demeanor has Laura caving. She wonders how on earth she could ever doubt Carmilla's loyalty, or that she loves her wholeheartedly (or at least with everything she has).

"I'm just... " The last word gets muffled in Carmilla's shoulder, well hidden within thick dark hair that smells of cherry and some kind of herbal tea that Laura loves.

"You're what?" Laura releases a deep sigh and picks her head back up to meet Carmilla's eyes, or to try her hardest to meet her eyes. They're too intense to look at sometimes, and when Carmilla is deeply curious the intensity of her eyes quadruples. This time is no exception.

"I'm a little bit jealous," she admits reluctantly. After a while she looks up, hesitant to see the expression on her girlfriend's face, only to see Carmilla trying very hard not to laugh.

"Hey! You're laughing at me?!" And then Carmilla stops trying to hide it, letting laughter fall from her lips in silky waves that Laura would spend hours replaying in her head if it weren't for the fact that Carmilla was actually laughing at her!

Laura scoots away from Carmilla and turns her back toward her, not caring if she looks like a petulant child having a mild temper tantrum.

The laughter stops after a few more minutes and she feels two arms pull her back into an embrace by her waist. She lets them, and soon she's surrounded by everything Carmilla again. She's reluctant to admit that she feels infinitely better when she's close to her like this. It might be sappy, but that's the first time in a long time that Laura has been able to withhold from touching Carmilla for an extended period of time, and it lasted all of five minutes. Truly a world record in Laura's book.

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