You're Beautiful

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Tags: Hollstein, Fluff, haircut

"Hey, Carm! Notice anything different?" Laura, sprightly and energetic, runs up to Carmilla as she lays on her bed with a book in the newly rebuilt residence hall; after the whole business with lophiiformes and Mother, the whole school practically needed rebuilding. There was, in fact, something different about the creampuff... but...

"Y- no. What is it?' Carm says trying to sound nonchalant as she's looking up at her girlfriend.

"I got a haircut!"

"Oh really? I didn't notice." She had noticed. It was pretty hard not to, the girl had her hair cut very short, almost at Lafontaine's length, and while it worked for them, it didn't work very well for the cupcake. It kind of looks like a madman was set loose on her hair with a pair of scissors.

"Do you like it?" she asks hopefully. Her sarcasm went over Laura's head, or maybe she just doesn't pay attention to it anymore. Carmilla takes another look at her and stands up, cupping the girl's face in her hands and pressing a soft kiss to her forehead.

"You're beautiful, as always." Even if her haircut is kind of a mess. They smile to each other in their own little bubble of comfort and love. But that sort of stuff never lasts long on the Silas campus. Soon enough, Lafontaine bursts into the room holding... a long needle for some reason... they tend to run around campus holding weird scientific shit. Carmilla never asks, and is sort of afraid to.

"Whoa! Frosh, what's wrong with your hair?" They immediately say. Carmilla's eyes widen and she makes a slicing motion across her neck with her thumb to tell Laf to cut it out. Unfortunately for Carmilla, while they are efficient in scientific knowledge, social cues probably aren't their strong suit. "You look like-"

"I look like what?" From the way her voice sounds Carmilla can already see her puppy dog eyes and quivering lip. She puts her head in her hands and leans back on her heels.

"It looks like nothing, Laura. You're beautiful." Carmilla says to her again and flattens a piece of cow-licked hair affectionately. She shoots daggers at Lafontaine.

"Yeah, right! I was just gonna say- that. It looks great! Gotta go! Science!" Laf reverses out of there as fast as they can, to Carmilla's relief. Now if she can just keep everyone away from Laura for about six months... or maybe she can just tell them all not to say anything... It's just hair. It's not like she got her nose chopped off. Now that would be a real shame, Carmilla loves that nose. In fact, she turns Laura back around just to leave a flurry of kisses on the tip of it, ending with a peck on the lips.

"What was that about? Why was Laf being so weird?" She has that confused look on her face that she always gets when trying to work out an article for her journalism class; her eyebrows drawn together and her lips parted slightly. Carm smiles minutely and lightly traces the girl's cheeks back and force with her thumbs.

"Maybe they drank one of the alchemy club's test potions again." That got a laugh out of Laura. They both remember the time they had to figure out how to turn someone back into a normal color after Lafontaine drank a strange potion and turned themselves neon pink. To be honest they were a bit hard to look until the potion eventually wore off after a week of wearing winter clothes during the hottest time of the year to cover up bright pink skin.

"Yeah, I think Lafontaine got enough lecturing from Perry to know not to do that ever again." They laugh together, leaning on each other and just enjoying the moment when of-fucking-course, Kirsch decides to barge in with a tote bag.

"Little hottie! You look like you got stuck in a weed-wacker! Do you need a bro's protection?" He puffs out his chest like a demented frog as he squawks away about his bro-manship nonsense, completely ignoring the death glare Carmilla's sending. Laura is silent.

"Kirsch, get. out." Carm says tersely. He gets that kicked puppy look he gets whenever Carmilla talks to him and leaves. The room is silent.

"You're beau-"

"Carmilla! Why didn't you tell me?!" Laura, all ball of fury, turns around pointing a finger in Carmilla face rather harshly. She puts her hands up and backs up, falling backward onto the bed, not realizing how close they were standing to it. "Holy Hufflepuff..."

"Okay, look," Carmilla takes a deep breath," it doesn't look great, but you're still a cupcake to me." Laura stands there with her hands covering her face, much like Carmilla did when Lafontaine almost and shakes her head. "I'm sorry. I didn't want you to... do this." She gestures to her standing there with her arms crossed and a pouting lip. "I still think you're beautiful, though. I didn't lie."

"I'm not mad at you... I'm just... I don't know what I was thinking when I got this haircut. I don't think I was thinking" The creampuff lets her arms fall to her sides and sits on the bed next to Carmilla, laying her head on her shoulder.

"Maybe you drank the alchemy club's potion." She wraps one arm around her shoulders and pulls her closer. The girl makes a grunt of disapproval and buries her head in Carmilla's neck. Apparently she didn't appreciate that joke. "Be glad I don't like you just for your hair, cupcake, cause I would've had my bags packed before you could say 'boom' in that cute way that you do."

"You think everything I do is cute," she mumbles morosely. The smile on Carmilla's face echos the truth in that statement.

"You're not wrong. Lay down and I'll make some hot chocolate. We can watch whatever you want to watch for the rest of today. Does that sound okay?" Laura nods quickly and hugs Carmilla tighter as she kisses the side of her throat. She then lays down on Carm's bed and gets under the covers quickly, making sure to cover her hair. Carm smiles and shakes her head as she tosses one of her beanies to the embarrassed girl and starts making the hot chocolate. She's never going to hear the end of this from Laura, but that's kind of why she loves her.

(I that pic took almost as long to make as writing this fic 😂 commitment. 👌)

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