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Tags: Hollstein, Fluff, Drunk Carmilla, Angry Drunk, Angst to tooth rotting fluff?, I'm into it.

Laura gets home late to see Carmilla in the kitchen washing the dirty dishes in the sink--or, she supposes, trying to. Her fumbling hands grasp the mayo-smeared cup a little too tight as she scrubs with a soapy sponge in an uncoordinated manner. Seeing the broom and dust pan out in the open, and several shards of glass on the ground, she wonders how many glasses they have left to drink out of. 

Next to her on the counter is a half-empty bottle of scotch that her dad bought for her just a few weeks ago to celebrate her promotion. It was nice to have around, but they never opened it. Well, until now.

"Carm, what are you doing?" The cup in Carmilla's hand clatters into the sink with a sickeningly loud clang as she turns around quickly to face Laura, steadying herself by grabbing the counter. Her glassy eyes are wide like she just got caught doing something she shouldn't have been doing.

"Washing the d-" a hiccup interrupts her sentence, "dishes." 

"Okay..." Laura walks a few steps forward into the kitchen to put her purse on the counter.

"Wa- Watch out, there might be glass on the floor," she says as she leans closer to the blonde reporter. Her breath, as Laura suspected, doesn't smell all too great, but she gives her a peck on the lips anyway. 

"Yeah, there might be..." she kicks a shard of glass toward the dust pan and sighs. Her girlfriend goes back to doing the dishes, picking up the cup she had before--thankfully still intact. "I had a hard day today. That article I spent all weekend writing got rejected and I don't think I can rewrite it even if I tried."

Carmilla makes a noncommittal noise, but Laura continues because Carmilla is drunk and she doesn't expect her to be her usual self when she's drunk.

"And Kirsch, that immature guy? He got two articles published and he barely spent an hour on both of them!" She laughs to herself in disbelief and crosses her arms over her chest. The cup drops again and Carmilla turns around to try to look at her, but she just ends up staring at a spot next to her, probably seeing double. 

"Laura, I don' care!" the words are slurred as they come out of her mouth but they still hold enough bite to them to make Laura's heart flutter painfully. Unfortunately, drunk Carmilla has a lot more to say than sober Carmilla. "You think I wanna hear about office drama? I really couldn' care less about your damn articles, so back off and let me do the soap.. stuff!"

It makes her chest clench and her stomach turn, but she takes a deep breath and lets it go. She stands up straight and uses her 'you're not going out after 8 pm, young lady' voice that she learned from her dad long ago.

"Carmilla Karnstein, I love you so much... but you're drunk and you're being a raging... bad person right now. Come on, put the cups down and get in bed," she says sternly as she holds her hand out, "Now."

"Whatever," the drunk girl mumbles and puts the cup down with the gentleness of a rock through a window, letting Laura take her hand and practically drag her to the bedroom where suddenly Carmilla takes the lead and pushes Laura onto the bed and climbs on top of her, effectively trapping her against the wall and leaving miles of open space on the other side of the bed. Dark hair covers Laura's face when her girlfriend lets her head drop onto her chest and she wraps her arms around her waist tight so she can't move.

"C-Carm," Laura manages, but is met with an obnoxious snore. The wall Laura's side is pressed up into is colder than a witch's tit. She can't not move, so she tries to push Carmilla away unsuccessfully for a few minutes, each time hearing the girl groan in frustration and each time being held tighter and tighter, before giving up entirely.

"For the love of Dumbledore," she mutters, trying to get a tiny bit comfortable.

Eventually, albeit much later, Laura gets to sleep.


"Here, Carm. Advil." She hands the two small pills to her currently incapacitated girlfriend, and smiles when she blinks groggily up at her, flinching at the light.

"Thank yoouu," she groans, then takes the pills with a sip from the water glass she placed on the bedside table. Her girlfriend's hair is a mess of dark tangles, but Laura still wants to run her hands through it. So she does, even though her fingers get caught fifty different times and Carmilla complains more than anything. After seeing how Carmilla can get when she's drunk, she's glad to have her back to normal. The person she was last night wasn't who she was used to, or who she fell in love with.  "what happ'n last night?"

"You..." Carmilla looks at her intently. "You kinda got really drunk and broke a bunch of glasses trying to do the dishes and then yelled at me when I tried to talk about my day."

"oh no," Carmilla groans, putting her head in her hands and rubbing her eyes, fully awake now. When she looks up, she looks like the human representation of guilt and remorse. Laura's heart breaks for her in that moment, and she immediately wraps her arms around her shoulders.

"Hey, no, it's okay! You were drunk, Carm. It's okay."

"I'm sorry, Cupcake... What happened at work yesterday?"

"My article got rejected... but it's not a big deal. I can rewrite it," Laura reassures her, hugging her tighter and kissing her cheek. 

"I'm so sorry. Will and I went out for drinks and I got a bid carried away so he dropped me off here and I found that bottle of scotch your dad gave us. I guess I should have warned you..."

"Shh, don't worry, Carm. I still love you." She smiles and gives her a chaste kiss on the lips before standing back up. "So, pancakes and bacon for breakfast?"

"I would be lost without you, creampuff." They walk into the kitchen and clean up the remaining glass before they get to work on breakfast, talking about random things not pertaining to last night, even though Laura could see Carmilla still felt guilty about it. The rest of the scotch gets thrown out.


"Here," Carmilla says with uncharacteristic shyness. She's holding a fluffy Adipose Doctor Who pillow the size of Laura's head out in front of her, offering it to Laura who is sitting in her chair in the home office where she works on her articles.

"It's so cute! Carmilla!" She stands and grabs the adipose, clutching it to her chest and looking at Carm with love in her eyes.

"I felt like I needed to-" Laura interrupts her with a short kiss, but once it breaks she continues, "make it up to you-" another kiss, "for how I acted-" The next one is longer. Laura puts as much affection into as she can hoping she can somehow show Carmilla how much she's already been forgiven. 

"You're the best. You didn't need to do this, but I love it and it's my new cuddle buddy."

"What, no, I thought I was your cudd-" Laura interrupts her with another kiss which they both smile into, Carmilla holding onto Laura tight, and Laura holding onto the adipose pillow behind Carmilla's back with her arms wrapped around Carmilla's shoulders. 

"My heart has enough room for two," Laura mumbles between kisses. The smile on her girlfriend's face is impossible to kiss away.

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