Window pt. 1

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Tags: Hollstein, Smut

It starts when Carmilla first walks into her new office. She's CEO of Lophii Inc., taking after her brother after he decided to retire early and move to Canada to live comfortably with his boyfriend Kirsch. She doesn't entirely hate the idea of taking over the company, but it isn't the top thing on her list of things she wants to do before she dies.

But, then she looks out the window and takes in the view... and she thinks maybe--just maybe--this job won't suck the fun out of life after all.


Carmilla has the same pattern every day. Wake up, get dressed, get coffee, go to work, try to ignore the cute blonde that's sat at her desk in her office in the building across the street, get no work done, then go home. Boom. Easy. She's yet to learn her name, or even research her to see who the CEO of Boom Inc. is beyond what she's already seen from her... which is admittedly quite a lot.

Today, the woman decides to look up. Maybe she saw something out of the corner of her eye, or maybe she finally realized there is an actual wall of floor to ceiling windows that allows her to see out into the world, and for the world to see into her office.

Whatever it is, she looks up and she sees Carmilla sitting at her desk, raising her coffee cup to her lips and pausing midway when she sees the blonde looking at her.

She raises her cup up and nods her head. The business woman's salute. The other woman gives her a small smile and raises the cupcake in her hand before taking a bite of pure icing. 

Carmilla laughs and shakes her head, covering her smile with her cup. And that's the extent of their interaction for that day, not counting a few more glances in the blonde's direction.

The next day, Carmilla watches her neighbor lean over her desk as she writes something with a thick black marker. She tries her best not to let her gaze drift to her legs and lower back. That wouldn't be appropriate... would it?

But then the blonde is standing straight and turning toward the window with the paper in her hand.

Hi, I'm Laura Hollis.

She remembers reading that name somewhere. A young CEO with a bright future. That's what they always say, though, isn't it? Carmilla muses, standing and grabbing a marker of her own and a sheet of paper. The amount of time she spends on hers is probably twice as long as Laura did.

Carmilla Karnstein. Guess I'm your neighbor, Cupcake.

Laura blushes and scribbles on another piece of paper, her eyebrows creasing adorably just above the bridge of her nose. The paper is shoved against the glass. 

I literally just told you my name! It's not 'Cupcake'

The brunette only shrugs and gets back to her paperwork with a smirk when she sees Laura huff and sit back at her own desk.

Laura Hollis...

It goes like that for a while. Carmilla gets even more distracted during meetings every time she sees Laura sitting idle in her office doing her paperwork. One time, she actually manages to slip up and accidentally loses a client because she was too busy watching Laura talk on the phone, leaning back into the back of her black leather chair and letting her head loll to the side lazily.

  She gets revenge a few days later by making funny faces at her while she's talking with a client, and Laura is so adorably angry that she can't resist the solid ten minutes of laughter after the clients storm out of the room, and Laura can't seem to help her laughter either.

She wouldn't call it a crush... That's exactly what it is, but she wouldn't call it that.

Later, after the incident with their clients, she receives another old-fashion message from a certain smiling blonde.

You're unprofessional.

The brunette wishes Laura could hear her scoff, but she supposes seeing it will have to be enough.

You're one to talk, Cupcake.

Her message seems to confuse Laura, but Carmilla only laughs again and takes the sheet down, scribbling her number onto the back and holding it back up for Laura to see. This is about to get interesting.

Soon her phone buzzes with a text.

Laura: What do you mean, unprofessional? you're the one making faces during a meeting!

Carmilla: Let's just say I had a good view from my office.

Laura: You don't mean...

Carmilla: Oh, but I do. You're lucky nobody else saw.

Laura: How long?!

Carmilla: I was in this office for a week before you noticed.

Suddenly, her phone starts ringing with the generic unknown caller ringtone. She answers and brings it up to her ear easily, and answers smoothly with a smile.


"You've been spying on me!?" It's her first time hearing Laura, but there's no way she could have expected the raspy edge to Laura's voice when she's incredulous, or how her pitch changes with how angry she is. It would be embarrassing to admit that it kind of turns her on.

"I tried to tell you, but..." She trails off while Laura keeps talking in the background. She can see her pacing around her office like a maniac. Biting her lip doesn't stop her smile from breaking past her indifferent mask.

"Oh my god, I can't believe this is happening..."

"Calm down, Cupcake, it's only natural. We have stressful jobs, and sometimes that stress needs to be... relieved."

"But- You saw, and that's-"

"I didn't mind." She shrugs, knowing that Laura can see her if she looks out the window. Out of the corner of her eye, she stops pacing abruptly, and her tone is soft and wary when she starts speaking again.

"Did you watch..?"

Carmilla is silent, and Laura finally looks up to see Carmilla's silent smirk and raised eyebrow.


"Relax. I never watched. For too long. If that's something you're interested, though... that can be arranged. Maybe I can even... assist?"

In her office, the blonde looks flustered for a moment. Her mouth opens and closes like she can't find the words to answer to that, but eventually she just hangs up and goes back to work. Staunchly keeping her head down and staying focused on her paperwork, even as Carmilla eyes her from the other side of the street. 

The brunette finds herself smiling as she remembers the day she first moved into the new office, almost a month ago by now. The beautiful blonde was sitting at her desk with her legs spread, her hand moving quickly back and forth. Her head was thrown back against her chair, her mouth open in some kind of drawn out moan as she- that's all she let herself see before turning around and spending the next half hour in the bathroom, relieving her own stress.

If she didn't know right from undeniably and wholeheartedly wrong, she would have stayed to watch every time she saw her favorite CEO relaxing after a stressful day, rather than give the blonde time to finish. A shame she may never get that chance.

(Second part goes up tomorrow)

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