Bite me

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Laura's got a kink but she also really cares about Carmilla.
Warnings: Biting, Fluff, Idk

It was unexpected, really, when Carmilla pinned her to the bed at lightning speed and sank her fangs into Laura's neck. She didn't know what she thought it would be like. Well actually she did; she thought it would be painful and grotesque - or at least that's what she was told to believe. Deep down inside she thinks maybe a part of her was always enticed by the idea of a vampire drinking from her, of taking control and ravishing her.

So maybe it wasn't all that unexpected when instead of pain radiating through her body as the feisty vampire drank her blood only seconds after Will fled from the room, she felt a burst of liquid heat run through her veins and excitement twist and twine inside her like a corkscrew, refusing to let go.

But it was over in seconds. Carmilla pulled away and dashed out of the room as fast as her leather-clad legs could manage, leaving a dazed and impossibly turned on Laura to deal with the blood trailing down her neck and the embarrassing realization that she totally has a biting kink.


Once she realized, it was infinitely more difficult to be around Carmilla without having the urge to display her neck like some kind of sacrificial goat, or a fine-roasted chicken. It definitely earned her more strange glances from her friends than usual when she nearly dropped her cup of hot chocolate seeing Carmilla bite into a pack of blood and drain it dry.

The dreams are worse. Leaving her mind open to do anything it pleases is very dangerous when the person being fantasized about sleeps in a bed only five feet away.

"Hey, hey Laura, you're dreaming," Carmilla's voice pulls her out of one of her amazing dreams about Carmilla pushing her against the nearest wall and biting her. She seems to be having those more and more often lately. She flushes red and clears her throat, realizing she had fallen asleep while she and Lafontaine were watching a movie on their laptop. She hopes she isn't so turned on that Carmilla can tell.

Just how awkward is this situation?

She avoids eye contact as she recounts her same old story about the black cat and the girl in the white dress. She still has those nightmares, but the whole biting thing seems to have taken the forefront and lately it's the only thing that's been plaguing her sleep.


She's trying to pay attention to what Lafontaine is saying. She is. But Carmilla keeps biting her lip while she reads that big Sumerian book. She can't take it.

"Laura, are you even listening to me?" Laf says indignantly. Laura looks at them quickly and nods.

"Yes, yeah. I'm sorry. I'm just- I don't know. What were you saying?" Lafontaine sighs but starts talking again, something about how the angler fish being worshiped.. yadda yadda yadda, Carmilla just took another sip from her glass of blood and Laura can't help but watch the way her pink tongue pokes out to lick her lips clean. And when one fang slowly scrapes along her lower lip, Laura all but stops breathing.

What has this vampire done to her?

"Oh my god, just BITE her already!' Lafontaine storms out of the room and slams the door shut behind them. The blonde girl sits there with her cheeks slowly tinging red as Carmilla looks from the door to Laura several times in confusion.

"They left in a hurry," Carm points out nonchalantly, closing the book and setting it on the bed next to her. Laura sighs and drags her hands down her face. Carmilla is looking at her when she finally looks up.


"Creampuff, you wanna tell me what's going on?"

"Not really."

Carmilla looks as if she's debating something before finally she stands up and sits next to Laura on the younger girl's bed. They're too close now. It's not that Laura can't control herself, it's just that she doesn't want to control herself. She and Carmilla have been growing closer over the past few weeks, and she can't help but think that maybe the vampire might share her feelings.

"The sooner you say it, the sooner it'll be over with." Such wise words. The tiny gay takes a deep breath.

"Ever since you bit me that one time, I haven't been able to get it out of my head."

"That's why you've been acting so weird? I've apologized about a thou-"

"No, no Carm, not in a bad way. It's- It was," Laura sighs in frustration, not being able to get her words out.

"It was what, Laura?" Carmilla using her first name. This means business.

"I want you to do it again," Laura says as she looks down at her lap, "I liked it."

She hears the vampire take in a soft breath, yet so sharply that it cut through the silence between them.

"Okay," she hears Carmilla say, except it doesn't really sound like her voice. It sounds strained. When she looks up she sees the vampire's pupils have dilated, leaving only a thin line of brown between pupil and limbal ring.

"Okay?" The vampire nods, eyes shifting down to Laura's lips, and then her neck; possibly trying to decide where to start first. The blonde girl lets out a breath she didn't know she was holding.

It's awkward at first, both of them not sure who should take the lead but too stubborn to back away. Eventually Carmilla steps up and grabs Laura's face by her cheeks to pull her closer and connect their lips, and it's almost reverent how they kiss. They've both been holding out on their desires for so long and it's all culminated to this point when they both realize what the other wants. Needs.

It travels between them, the desire to be connected. Their lips meet kiss after burning kiss and they seem endless, tongue teasing tongue, and teeth nipping lips. But soon Laura needs to breathe, so Carmilla moves to her cheek and presses a smile there, which she intended to be a kiss but she couldn't get her facial muscles to cooperate.

"Bite me, Carm" Laura breathes out, and drags her attention back to the objective at hand. There will be time for romantics later. The vampire nips her jaw before kissing down to her beautiful neck, where the impression of her teeth and fangs already mark the skin. Perfectly imperfect. She wouldn't have it any other way.

When Carmilla finally bites down, after months of denying herself and trying to make it seen as if nothing is wrong, it's explosive for the both of them, and they never want to go back to how things were before.


"Carm." Laura's laying on her back on her bed and Carmilla is reading a book on her own bed, as usual.

"No." It's curt.



"Carmilla," Laura pleads, dragging out her name. She donated blood today, but that doesn't mean Carmilla can't still bite her.


"Carm, please," the younger girl begs. Okay, maybe she did give more than usual. It's not her fault they messed up!

"Cupcake, no."

"But it feels good. Plus you're hungry. Lemme sustain you."

"You'll die."

"It'd be a good death."

Carmilla sighs, wondering how she ever fell for this beautifully stubborn girl. Papa Hollis had his work cut out for him.

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