A Little Compassion

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Carmilla is confused but Laura is hot so

Tags: Hollstein, Fluff, first meeting

Carmilla is standing on the sidewalk with her foot raise up so she can tie her shoe -- she's too lazy to bend down honestly. She only just notices the spider slowly crawling under where her foot is raised when a voice startles her and the sound of pounding foot steps against pavement gives her pause.

"NO!" a girl with semi-short blonde hair wearing some kind of animal-print yells as she runs toward Carmilla and tackles her onto the grass next to the pavement like a fucking linebacker or something. She's definitely gonna feel that one in the morning. She tries to sit up but finds that the other girl is on top of her, so she lays back with a groan.

"How dare you try to kill an innocent bug like that!" she hears the girl start rambling about animal.. insect... arachnid.. rights.. something.. She can't understand what this girl is saying. When did she ever try to kill a bug? She might've hit her head when she fell. She tentatively feels the back of her head as she opens her eyes for the first time since this girl decided to attack her out of nowhere and accuse her of something so trivial.

As far as Carmilla knows, she's never seen this girl before in her life, and now here she is in the middle of a park laying on the grass with this girl straddling her and preaching to her about animal rights, and she's gotta admit she's kind of turned on. Not that she enjoys this kind of thing; she just finds the way the blonde is fuming and tense and- yeah, okay, no. Carm takes a deep breath and pushes any thought of that to the back of her mind. This has gone on for too long.

"Hey, Cupcake, this has been nice and all, but I like to think I have the common courtesy to at least buy a girl dinner before we're in this position," she says smoothly and then continues, "especially in public." The wink might've been overkill. The girl on top of her stares at her blankly for a few seconds before she blushes and gets off of Carmilla quick.

"I'm- Well, hey! You deserved it! Spider killer." she makes an adorable bunched up face and Carmilla tries her best not to laugh when she realizes it's supposed to be intimidating. Something about this girl makes her feel younger and carefree, like she can say and do anything without having to worry. Maybe that's why she decides to play along.

"You caught me! Well, not literally. I hit the ground pretty hard." Her hand finds the back of her head again and the other girl follows her movement, almost looking concerned before she finds her anger again.

Carmilla is unable to look away from those honest dark brown eyes boring holes into hers, and it's a strange feeling when she realizes she can't bare the thought of never seeing this girl again without at least having a conversation with her. She chalks it up to needing a connection, because she hasn't had someone she can talk to for as long as she can remember and this girl somehow knows how to make her feel free even though they have barely talked and she thinks Carmilla hates animals. To preserve this feeling she makes the first offer she can think of, and she pretends to forget about the shameless flirting that edges its way into her thoughts as if the words were made exclusively for this stranger.

"If you love animals so much, why don't I buy you breakfast and you can tell me all about how they're better than humans or whatever you think is so special about them."

Laura seethes visibly, to Carm's delight, and she knows she's got her.

"They're not better, they're just-"

"Cupcake," Carmilla says with a raised eyebrow, urging her to accept her offer.

"It's Laura," she corrects her icily, but Carmilla is made of ice so it doesn't bother her.

"I'm Carmilla. Take the offer, Cupcake."

"It's L- For the love of dog, fine!" she stands and walks past Carmilla toward the cafe just a few blocks away, and Carm watches her stomp away for a minute before she gets up as well and rushes to catch up.

Carmilla wonders what the Cupcake will think when she finds out she just assaulted and slandered the founder and owner of an animal rescue center who was only trying to tie her shoe.

Someday I'm Gonna Be With You (Carmilla One-Shots)Where stories live. Discover now