Yellow Pillow

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Tags: Hollstein, fluff, gaybies taking it slow.

The middle of the night isn't the best time to wake up--especially when you have to get up early the next day--but here Laura is, tossing and turning in bed, searching for any form of comfort she can find, and feeling overall uncomfortable. Something's missing.

She looks over to the other twin bed to see Carmilla clutching her yellow pillow to her chest. Damn vampire, always stealing things. She tosses her legs over the side of the bed and rolls onto her feet clumsily, untangling herself from her blanket before making her way over to Carmilla's bed.

"Carm," she says to her obstinate roommate. No response. "Carmilla." A poke to the side, then she grabs one corner of the yellow pillow and tugs. Her super-strong roommate holds onto the fluffy yellow mass tighter and peeks one eye open to glare up at her.

"What?" she growls. The 'scary' effect she's going for is cushioned by the pillow she's cuddling. Laura manages not to smile.

"You stole my pillow!" 

"So?" Carmilla closes her eyes again and gets comfortable. The annoyed blonde tugs on the pillow again and groans in frustration when Carmilla rolls onto her back, away from Laura. "What's the problem?"

"I can't sleep without it, Carm!" She checks the time again and sighs. 2:50 AM.

"Neither can I."  She sets the pillow horizontally with her hand resting under it so her head can rest comfortably and looks up at Laura. "So I guess we'll have to share."

"Share? Wha-" Carmilla grabs her arm impatiently and tugs her onto the bed with her until they're only inches apart. Slowly, Laura rests her head on the pillow and gets comfortable hoping. Her hope that Carmilla wouldn't notice her face stark red in the darkness of their dorm room and her heart rate pick up to twice the normal speed is useless. She's a vampire. She notices these things.

"You don't even sleep at night... I don't know why you'd need my pillow anyway, it's not like-"

"Shh, creampuff. You think too much, and it's much too late for thinking," she whispers to Laura softly, placing one hand on her waist when she leans forward to kiss her cheek and feel its soft warmth under her lips. She wants more, but she knows that starting anything right here, right now, would only create more complications in their lives. Laura doesn't trust her, and Carmilla doesn't trust herself not to mess things up. Somewhere in her brain she knows this, but it doesn't stop her from leaving another kiss on her cheek before moving back to the other side of the small pillow. 

"Good night, Carm," Laura says quietly, marveling at the tingly feeling on her left cheek; wishing she had the courage to reach up and bring her forward again to kiss her like she sometimes finds herself daydreaming about doing. It'd be soft and careful, she imagines; quite like how one would try to unwrap a present without tearing the paper, but then it would turn rougher as they got more comfortable and impatient and delved deeper into each other, rushing to get to the present in the box that awaits. 

But that's just fantasy. Carmilla is arguably the worst roommate in the world, and she's stubborn and bossy and she's a vampire, for crying out loud!

So she takes a deep breath and closes her eyes, settling into her small space next to Carmilla and at all costs denying the urge to reach out to her and close the gap, because she knows that if she did she'd be on her like glue.

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