Normal Silas Afternoon

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Not your usual coffee shop AU

Tags: Fluff, Hollstein, Terrible pun, What am I doing with my life.

It was a normal afternoon on the Silas campus. Students were building barricades in the student center, large posters of the angler fish god were being plastered onto every wall, and somewhere in a small coffee shop sat Laura Hollis, enjoying a nice cup of hot chocolate after a long day of pretending to study while binge watching Doctor Who and reading very wholesome Harry Potter fics. Well, she never claimed to be the perfect student.

She glanced around the shop taking in the ambiance. The yellow pastel chairs accented with brown coffee stains which adorned nearly every inch of the place. She had to search hard to find a clean-looking place to sit, but eventually she found a table by the front window looking over the empty pathway that cuts through the campus.

So there she sat, sipping from her cup and thinking about nothing in particular when, suddenly, she heard music. Seafaring music. Like the kind you might hear on Spongebob. The source was nowhere to be found until, out of the corner of her eye, she saw a big wooden thing covered in seaweed and barnacles speedily rolling down the walkway on very unstable-looking wheels. A pirate ship!

Her eyes widened comically when it screeched to a halt and ten grimy looking men hopped off of the ship with scabbards, a treasure chest, and stereotypical pirate hats with red and white clothes in various places, which thankfully covered everything that needed to be covered. Laura didn't want a repeat of the Zeta's Halloween Bash last year. They unsheathed their swords and rushed into the coffee shop, yelling and... well, 'arg'ing their hearts out as they threatened the cashier who, honestly, looked so sick and tired of the shit that goes on on this campus. Poor guy.

But he opened the cash register, to the delight of every single 'arg', 'yar', and 'shiver me timbers' in the small shop and started to put the money in the large wooden treasure chest sitting on the counter. Laura stood up to make her exit as fast as possible with her precious hot chocolate, realizing that, on today of all days, she had about a thousand other places to be right at this instant and, wow, if she doesn't leave now, she'll be late for that sky diving appointment!

She made a rush toward the door, only to be blocked by one of the pirates, except unlike the others this one had a relatively clean and particularly feminine appearance. She was wearing one of those loose puffy-sleeved white shirts tucked into her black trousers and had a make-shift scabbard tied around her waist which was basically a red strip cloth with her sword threaded through it. Her raven black hair cascaded down and curly tendrils caught the setting sun and-

Not the point. She was attractive, leave it at that.

But that all went out the window, for the most part, when the pirate smirked a lascivious smile and bent down and grabbed Laura around the waist, lifting her up over her shoulder like a trophy. Laura hit the woman's back with her fist and kicked her legs in protest, but the woman had a strong grip around her waist.

"ARG, I GOT THE BOOTY!" the woman yelled to her crew mates, who in return 'arg'd and hollered hauling the full treasure chest out of the door, following the girl who Laura then believed to be their captain. Laura was mortified, being paraded around on this attractive woman's shoulder wasn't exactly the highlight of her day if she's honest.

They boarded the pirate ship and Laura felt the ramshackle wheels lurch as the crew moved the boat along by pushing on the concrete with long wooden oars. The attractive woman gave Laura a disarming smile from across the deck as they took off into the sunset.

(Sorry if there's any problems with me switching tense. For some reason I had a hard time with it this time.)

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