Prove it

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Credit to @HeartofCupidsArrow (a member of @Negovanstein) for this idea.

Carmilla Uses Strategy

"Good morning, gentle viewers," Laura starts, receiving a scoff from the cold body laying in the bed to her left as usual, "Recently I've gotten a lot of requests to discuss the deal with inter-species relationships, and I would be delighted, as your sole informant on this here campus full of the supernatural, natural, and everything in between, to fill you guys in."

"As you all may know, my roommate, Carmilla, is a centuries old vampire whose only source of entertainment is to make a mess and steal my pillow." She shoots a glare over to the vampire, who hides her smirk behind a leather-bound book and raises an eyebrow at Laura. Laura tries her hardest to keep her face from flushing, but she's not entirely sure she succeeds, if Carmilla's amused chuckle is anything to go by.

"Anyway, she's not as bad as she seems. She's practically harmless, except for one incident when I got bitten, but that was under special circumstances. What's most important between species is communication, so that both sides know how the other works and can come to an agreement with whatever the conflict is.

"For example, Carmilla keeps stealing my pillow, so," Laura stands and walks over to Carmilla, grabbing the edge of the yellow pillow that Carmilla is using to prop herself up with. She yanks it out from behind her and the vampire falls back with a huff, using her elbow to lift herself back up in order to glare at the tiny gay in exasperation as the yellow pillow is tossed back on its rightful owner's bed. "Problem solved!"

"That wasn't a very effective use of communication, Creampuff. You could have asked nicely," she grumbles loud enough for Laura to hear.

"As if someone asking nicely has ever stopped you." Carmilla shrugs. She has a valid point, but what she doesn't know is that Carmilla would do anything to please her. Even if it meant giving up that yellow pillow. Okay, maybe they'd have to compromise on the yellow pillow... It smells too much like the blonde for Carmilla to just give it up.

Laura sits in her desk chair again and faces the webcam with a smile. "My point is, I understand that a lot of you are confused about your feelings, but there's no reason two people-human or not-can't date, as long as both sides of the relationship are happy."

She can practically hear the self-satisfied smirk in Carmilla's voice when she speaks up from behind her. Here we go.

"I'm gonna have to disagree with you there, Cupcake. There are a lot of reasons why they shouldn't." Carmilla sets her book down with her thumb wedged between the pages, marking her place. Laura turns toward her with her eyebrows furrowed and her nose scrunched up in frustration, almost bringing a smile to the vampire's face from how cute it looks. Her weakness.

"Go on, then. Tell the world your closed-minded views, Kitty," she says the last word bitterly knowing how much the vampire hates it, and Carmilla can see the flash of hurt in her eyes. Well, nobody's ever liked playing devil's advocate.

"First of all, humans are naive. You don't know when to quit; don't know when to walk away. They don't realize how dangerous is, and that they might be one argument away from being dinner. And secondly, you can't expect an entirely different species with different cultures and expectations to fit into human life so seamlessly. There are conflicts."

"Maybe there were conflicts back in 1698, but today people are progressive and accepting, unlike you." Laura crosses her arms and Carmilla mimics her, smirking and leaning forward to stare into the blonde's brown eyes.

"For all your preaching about inter-species dating, I don't see you jumping at any opportunities. You even shot down Padfoot, your Lit TA. I doubt you'd even consider dating someone from another species."

And there's the challenge that Carmilla had worked up to so seamlessly, so effortlessly it seemed to flow into the argument like it was meant to be there. She sees the anger swim in Laura's pupils as she stands from her desk chair with clenched fists by her sides. Her nostrils flare.

"Don't bring Danny into this-she has nothing to do with this. I would definitely date someone from another species if they asked. Just because you're a 335 year old... bad person.. doesn't mean you don't remember how to be kind! And even though I've bothered you about cleaning up and doing chores every day, you still haven't eaten me."

Laura can't help the red staining her cheeks now.

A flash of something glints in Carmilla's eyes as she recognizes the truth in Laura's words. She expected her to say something along those lines, but hearing her actually say it is... different than she expected it to be. She could have easily handed Laura over to her mother the first day she got there. It was her love for a human that started this whole conflict; spurred her need to save Laura and other girls like her from her mother. She tilts her head and smiles as she murmurs to herself, "trust me, Cupcake. I'm working on it."

"How about you prove it then?"

"Prove it?" Laura asks, tilting her head in confusion. Carmilla lifts her book back up and looks at it nonchalantly.

"Prove me wrong. Prove you have no problem dating someone from another species," she says with that smirk that messes with Laura's head in more ways than one, "Go out with me, Laura."

Wait, did she hear that right? Did Carmilla just ask her out?

She can't help the swelling of her heart in her chest or the several beats it skips as she stares at Carmilla in silence for several moments. She knew something was off about Carmilla being so against inter-species relationships! She should have known, after hearing how reverently she talked about Elle!

Slowly she backs up toward the door with a smile which she sees is matched on Carmilla's face.

"Eight o'clock. I'll bring the cupcakes," she says before dashing through the door, immediately doing a small dance in the hallway outside their dorm room, not caring who sees. Carmilla asked her out, and that's all that matters.

Back in the dorm room, Carmilla stands from the bed, still holding her book, and grabs one of Laura's chocolate chip cookies. "Buckle up, Creampuffs. It's gonna be a long ride," she says with a smug grin as she winks and turns the recording off. She shoves the cookie in her mouth and grabs the yellow pillow off of Laura's bed, settling back into her own bed to get back to reading her book, feeling content knowing that everything turned out according to plan.

Someday I'm Gonna Be With You (Carmilla One-Shots)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt