Chapter One (Introduction)

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Rhiannon's POV

        A hot summer day, a couple of handshakes, and a long afternoon with the new kid. That's how you became best friends with Alexander Gaskarth. That is how it all began. The first day of many where you would end up wanting to slap Alex and Jack. Days you will never be able to forget.

        Alex moved next door to you sometime during elementary school. It was the classic 'girl next door' story. Your mothers became best friends, always doing bake sales and trying to get the two of you to help them with some kind of charity work they were doing. Your fathers did the usual day of golf on Sunday afternoons. The only difference was, you wouldn't give Alex a chance in a million years. You were certain of that. All throughout high school, Jack and you would hang out at your place and watch movies while Alex dated around - two girls a night. The two of you were used to it though, you just waited for him to come through the door and try to steal your popcorn once he was done. You quickly learned to finish it off before eleven. The guy was quick!

        Since then you have all graduated from high school, the boys had started a band called All Time Low and were currently on tour, and you were still stuck in Baltimore living with your parents while taking college classes and working at Starbucks. You really didn't see how any of this was fair.

          When the band went on their first tour, Alex had this girlfriend that he had wanted to break up with. Once they found out for sure they were leaving for the tour, he refused to tell the girl that he was leaving at all. He thought that leaving without a word would count as a break up. Then one day, after they had left, this girl named Jessica came up to you at work and wants to know where her boyfriend, Alex, is. Thanks a lot, Alex! So like you said, this is hardly a 'Girl Next Door' story. Well it kind of is, but hopefully you get the point.

Authors Note: This is really more of an introduction or prologue than a chapter. It gives you some background before the story begins in the next chapter.

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