Chapter Seventeen

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Alex's POV

Thirty-five minutes later you were finally leaving the store. The two of you had been in that one store for over an hour and a half. You grabbed Jessica's hand, leading her towards the parking lot. "Baby, are we leaving?" "Yeah, I have some band stuff I need to take care of." "Don't you want to try this new lingerie out first," she said winking at you. "I'm sorry I just can't do that right now, Jess. I'll come by later tonight." "Then we'll try it out then?" "Sure."

        You drove her back to her house, not really listening as she talked about shopping, her friends, and whatever else she was talking about. Jessica didn't really wait for you to give her responses, she just kept talking. It was nice in that moment though, she wasn't really looking for any input as you drove. You just kept trying to think through what you were going to do now. Your mind seemed to be blank about what to say.

Rhiannon's POV

It has been two days since you have talked to or seen Alex. Jack has been staying with you, trying to make you feel better. He kept saying that Alex was just busy. Throughout the two days you have just seemed to be in a daze. Your mind seemed to be in turmoil going between your thoughts on Alex and everything that had happened with Carter. You were just laying on your bed crying as something played on the tv in front of you. Your mind felt utterly exhausted yet you had been sleeping a lot. There was no motivation left in you to manage what seemed to be small tasks. You knew that earlier when Jack had gotten angry about how upset you were and grabbed his phone that he had most likely called Alex. You had no idea what he said to him, but obviously it didn't do anything to change what was going on. There was no word from Alex. You just seemed to spiral down into your own despair.

Alex's POV

When you pulled into Rhiannon's driveway the only cars in it were Rhiannon's and Jack's. Suddenly red hot anger pulsed through your veins. How could they do this? Jack and Rhiannon both knew that you loved her. As soon as you parked the car you rushed out of it, silently shutting the door. As you came to the front door you managed to open it and then slammed it at what you saw. Rhiannon's head lifted off of Jack's chest where his arms were wrapped around her. You knew your face showed little emotion besides your own heartbreak. It literally felt as if they had ripped your heart out and were now jumping on it while laughing the whole time.

Jack's POV

       The last couple of days had been rough as you stayed with Rhiannon. It was obvious that she shouldn't be left alone. Having to deal with what had happened with Carter was bad enough, but Alex leaving and the radio silence that followed seemed to break her. While she had been hurting when the three of you had been hanging out before Alex left, there had still been some Rhiannon in there. You could see when the memories and realization would crash through into her eyes, but she had also managed to still laugh surrounded by her friends. Then you were sure that with the help of her friends and family, she would be able to pull through this.

     Once Alex left though, that all seemed to die out. Whatever light had still been left on diminished and there hadn't even been a smile over the last couple of days. It crushed you to see Rhiannon like this, to know what she was going through. You felt helpless not knowing how to help, but refused to leave her side. There was no energy left in her and she seemed to drag her body from place to place when she moved. After getting off the phone with Alex, you had went back upstairs to pick her up and carry her down to the living room. Hopefully changing the scenery would help a bit. You had pulled her on your lap and held her while you played The Nightmare Before Christmas. The movie used to make her smile as she'd tease you about your similarities to Jack Skellington. There had been no smile though, she just laid there motionless against you.

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