Chapter Sixteen

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Alex's POV

        You couldn't believe Rhiannon had said that when you left her bedroom. You loved her, not that it seemed to matter. She had never said it back when you told her in the kitchen after returning from the hospital. When you met up with Jessica after leaving the house, you didn't break up with her like you had planned before leaving. Even though you had been cheating on her, you didn't think it was going to happen again. Jessica didn't ask about where you had been or why you were recovering from your fight with Carter. She didn't even ask if you had been in a fight. Rhiannon didn't care about you the way you cared about her. You wanted to protect her from everything especially from that douchebag Carter. Somehow she made everything so much harder between the two of you.

        It has been two days since you left Rhiannon's and met back up with Jessica. You haven't talked to Jack or Rhiannon since. They had both called you and you had multiple missed calls from Jack. You didn't dare listen to his messages knowing that he was probably very pissed at you now. You have been spending your days with Jessica, even though she got on your nerves. Right now the two of you were shopping which seemed to be her favorite hobby, but you really wanted to just bolt. You had been sitting outside of the dressing room for exactly 48 minutes as you checked the time again.

        "Baby, what do you think of this one?" "It's beautiful, Jess. Are you almost ready to go?" "Awww, are you bored, baby?" She came out of the dressing room in the lingerie she was trying on to kiss you on the lips. "Well I only have three more to try on. Then I want you to pick your five favorites." "Whatever." As Jessica went back into the dressing room you rested your head back against the wall. After a couple of minutes your phone began to ring. No longer caring that you had been ignoring phone calls, you picked it up without checking the caller I.D. Anything to cure your boredom at this point. "Gaskarth speaking." "Well hey there jackass. Where have you been?" "Oh. Hey Jack." You held in a sigh knowing that this was probably not going to be a fun phone call. "Don't act like nothing is wrong! How long do you plan on breaking Rhiannon's heart?" "What are you talking about, Jack? You heard her yourself, she said she wished she had liked you instead."

        A couple of minutes went by consisting of Jack's laughter before he replied. "Is that seriously why you're angry?" "Yeah?" You heard Jack's sigh through the phone. "Could you really blame her for saying that? It was like high school all over again for her. Although this time you didn't come back like you normally would have. Don't you think she has been through enough shit already, Alex?" "Of course, but-" "But what, Alex? Grow up and sort through your feelings. You either like Rhiannon or you don't. Which is it?" "Of course I like her . . ." "Then why aren't you doing anything about it?" You sighed, running a hand through your hair. "I don't know Jack . . ."

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