Chapter Twenty-Five

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Alex's POV

You woke up and blinked a couple of times before you looked over at the alarm clock on the nightstand. It was still dark and the alarm clock read 2:30 am. You looked down at Rhiannon with her head on your chest. She was all curled up next to you and she looked so peaceful. It made you think back on the time before you had left for tour, how happy the two of you had been. Then you thought back to when you had went over to Rhiannon's that night after spending the day baby shopping with Jessica. The night that led to Abby. When you had woken up that next morning to Rhiannon already out of bed and telling you to get out, you had realized what a mess you had truly made of things. You thought you had made an even bigger mess of things when she found out she was pregnant. Through the years you had made so many mistakes when it came to Rhiannon, you were afraid of making another one now.

"What's wrong, Alex?" You blinked looking down to a very tired looking Rhiannon. "Nothing, Annie Girl, go back to sleep. Sorry I woke you." She kissed your chest before turning to face you better. "Something is wrong. Sure you don't want to talk about it?" You sighed and stared at her for a moment, "I'm scared." "Of what?" Her head moved to the side as she studied your face. "You." She laughed a little, "Me? Why are you scared of little old me?" You smirked at her, "Not of you, of hurting you." She started to sit up a little bit, "What do you mean, Alex?" You could tell you were starting to worry her, which caused you to sit up as well putting your arm around her waist bringing her towards you. "You were right before, I've always been good at hurting you - unintentionally. I really want us to be together, which means I'm going to try and be more cautious this time. It just scares me." She smiled and kissed your cheek, "It is nothing to lose sleep over though, Alex." You smirked, "I could think of something worth losing sleep over." Then as she raised an eyebrow, you grabbed her waist spinning her under you and started kissing all over her face causing her to laugh hysterically.

You woke up the next morning to an empty bed and looked at the alarm clock to see it was 9:53 am on Sunday morning. You yawned, stretching before getting out of bed grabbing your t-shirt and heading into the living room. You walked down the hallway to see Abby on the couch in Scooby Doo pajamas wrapped in her favorite Disney Princess blanket. You smiled and then jumped when you walked by the kitchen. "Morning Sleeping Beauty, did I scare you?" You laughed looking over at Rhiannon in her nightgown with a cup of coffee in her hand. "Want some coffee?" "Please." You smiled as you watched her grab a mug and pour you a cup of coffee. As she handed you the cup of coffee you smiled, both of your hands lingering on the cup of coffee a little longer than necessary. She blushed, looking down, before grabbing her cup of coffee and heading to the living room. You smirked before heading after her.

Rhiannon's POV

Alex left a little after 3 pm to get home to work on some band stuff. The three of you had spent the day laying around together. After finishing the movie you had been watching with Abby after Alex left, you gave Abby her bath then you took a shower. Now with Abby curled up watching cartoons, you were in the kitchen fixing mac & cheese - Abby's favorite. As you were fixing dinner you were talking on the phone with Addison. After the two of you graduated from college she moved to New York to work at Elle magazine. Even though the two of you still talked all of the time, Abby hasn't gotten to know her as well as you wish she would have. "Sorry I have to go, I need to feed Abby." "I need to see her, I bet she has gotten so big." "She has. I'll talk to you later."

       You set down your phone as you filled two bowls with Mac and cheese. The two of you had  finished pretty quickly since you had eaten in silence. Abby had been pretty quiet since Alex left and you figured she missed him. The three of you didn't normally spend a lot of time together like you had this weekend. She had run wild with energy all weekend that reminded you of a younger Alex. As she had run around at the playground, she never seemed to run out of energy. She said she was tired now though, so you quickly had her brush her teeth before you tucked her into bed. You gave her a kiss on the forehead, wishing her a "goodnight," before going back into the kitchen to wash dishes.

       Your mind was preoccupied as you washed the dishes on the time that you had just spent with Alex. It had been nice getting to wake up next to him and having him around your apartment. He fit in so nicely that it almost seemed strange that he hadn't been there like that all along. Maybe you had made a mistake in waiting so long to give him a chance. Your fear of things going wrong again could have easily clouded your judgement. You shook your head as you finished the dishes. It could work this time, maybe this time it could truly all work out.

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