Chapter Nineteen

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Rhiannon's POV

Everyone was walking back to their cars after you had finished eating and paid. Rian and Kara were holding hands, while you held hands with Alex. Jack, being Jack, grabbed Zack's hand in a death grip and started skipping. You just shook your head as Zack tried to pull his hand out of Jack's death grip. "Let go of my hand, Barakat." "No, Zacky. I love holding hands with you." He was laughing as he continued to skip towards his car, never letting go of Zack's hand as the man walked quickly to keep up with Jack's long legs. "I am not going to hold your hand." "Oh Zack! Do you not love me anymore?" Jack was pouting and fluttering his eyelashes while Zack tried to pull his hand away some more.

This only resulted in everyone laughing. "What to do with those two," Kara said shaking her head as well. "How are we supposed to live on the same bus as them for six months?" "What are you talking about," you replied laughing. Your laughing stopped though when Alex's eyes bugged out at Kara. Slowly you turned to Alex, "What is going on, Alex?" "Shit, did she not know? I really need to learn to keep my big mouth shut. I just assumed . . ." Kara replied trailing off, looking between Rian and Alex desperately. "Assumed what," you asked Alex through gritted teeth. Although you were sure you already knew the answer. He was leaving, and he wasn't going to tell you. Just like what he did to Jessica. He had sex with you and was then planning to leave and have sex with millions of other girls as they toured. Alex remained still, just staring at you. You just rolled your eyes at the silence before walking off to grab Jack's hand and pull him away from Zack towards his car.

"What are you doi-" Jack said before looking between you and Alex. "Take me home, Jack." "But, what about Alex," he said looking desperately at Alex. "Don't save him! I'm mad at you too, Barakat." This only caused him to stop, pulling you to a stop as well. "What the hell is going on?" Everyone just kind of watched Jack until Rian spoke up. "Alex is the biggest idiot of the year, yet again." "Wow, thanks dude!" Alex grimaced as he shook his head. Rian just shot him a look before continuing. "Well you are! He didn't tell Rhiannon about the tour." This caused Jack to look at you in surprise, "You didn't know?" "No!" "What's the big deal? We go on tour all the time." Zack was clueless to what had been going on between you and Alex. "She slept with him." "How-," you started to look at Kara, wondering how she knew. "It was obvious. You and Alex have never acted like that before. Which is why I just assumed you already knew, I'm really sorry."

You smiled looking at Kara, "It is not your fault. Alex is the one who didn't tell me." "Annie girl, please let me drive you home. At least let me explain things to you." Jack looked at you and smiled, "Let him explain." "I hate you," you replied sticking out your tongue. "I love you too, munchkin. Now go talk with little Alex." Your pout faded and you laughed as he ruffled your hair and pushed you towards Alex. With that Jack got in his car, while Zack decided to get in the backseat of Rian's car while Kara took shotgun.

Walking to the passenger side of Alex's car, he pushed you against the side of his car and kissed you passionately. You slowly forgot what you had been angry about and kissed him back just as passionately. After a few moments Alex pulled back and looked at you. "I was going to tell you, Annie girl. I really was, just everything has been going so great between us. Every time I would go to tell you, I just couldn't. Bringing up the tour would have ruined how happy we have been. I just wanted to spend my last few days with you having a good time, not worrying about me leaving." "Why did Kara think I was going with you guys?" Alex sighed and ran a hand through his hair, "Since she is, I guess. I just knew you had school and work. I didn't want to take you away from your life, no matter how much I was going to miss you. I promise I'm going to come see you as much as I can. I will call you every night and text you every chance I get. I love you, Annie girl." "I love you too, Alex. . . I just don't know if I can trust you." "What do you mean? You have known me forever." "I also know how you get around on tour. You've never had a girlfriend or wanted a girlfriend while touring. I really want to be able to trust you, I really do. It's just not easy for me . . . Just don't do anything to make me not trust you." "I won't Annie girl, I love you. Now that I have you, I'm not letting you go for anything. I will try to get you tickets to the shows you can come to. I'm really going to miss you." "I'm going to miss you too." You smiled as he leaned in for a sweet kiss before he drove the two of you back to your house. Then you spent the rest of the night cuddled together on the couch watching movies.

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