Chapter Four

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        You were in your room changing, Alex's groans heard from the hallway after you kicked him out. "Come on, let me in Rhiannon." "After I change, Alex! And shut the hell up before you wake up the whole house." "Well your sister could gladly come out here." "Alex I swear if you ever lay a hand on her, I'll cut off your dick." "Feisty. I think work fits you, Annie girl." You swung open the door, shocking him. You were wearing a pair of short lounge shorts and a white tank top, your bra still on. "Damnn, Annie girl. Why don't you have a boyfriend again?" "Because you scare them all away," you said dryly shooting him a glare before continuing. "Although I guess now it's not going to matter since you're on tour most of the time." "Hmm. . No guy is dating you without my permission," he said with a wink. "Great, I might as well become a nun with all of the action I'll be getting," you sighed while rolling your eyes at Alex. "Don't be so pessimistic, Annie girl. Lets watch a movie. Isn't Mulan one of your favorite kid movies ever? Lets watch it!" You just stared at Alex, trying to figure out what he was thinking. "Come on, why are you standing around? I want our movie!" You finally broke through your mood with a laugh and put in the movie. "No sly moves, Gaskarth." "I'm offended that you would even suggest. ." He didn't get to finish his sentence, before you had slapped him in the back of the head, sticking out your tongue. "Shut up Alex, you're getting mighty annoying." "Good. You hit me!" You rolled your eyes, letting his arms settle around your waist while you curled into his chest to watch the movie. It was suddenly like no time had passed at all since he had left.

        "WHAT THE HELL RHIANNON?" You shot up to look directly into the deep brown eyes of your best friend, Addison. Her eyes were questioning and you looked over wondering why. That's when you noticed that Alex's arms were still loosely around your waist. How could you have not noticed that immediately? He had changed into his boxers and you were wearing the same clothes you'd had on when you settled down for the movie. Although you were sure it looked bad to her. "Rhiannon wake him up - before I do." Addison had never liked Alex since he moved to Baltimore in elementary school. At first he was too loud and annoying, then she said he was too much of a man whore. Truthfully, you thought he just always managed to hit a nerve with her. She was good friends with Jack though. The three of you had been really close, pretty much inseparable, until Alex moved in. Addison didn't want to be around Alex more than what could be considered necessary.

        You poked him multiple times trying to wake him up. Addison went down stairs to grab the three of us some coffee. She at least tried to remain civil to Alex, although her disdain for him always seemed to be simmering below the surface. Sadly, you were having no luck with waking the Gaskarth. Finally you bent down, putting your lips to his ear grazing his earlobe just slightly, "Wake up, Alex." You practically purred it in the sweetest most seductive voice you could manage without laughing. It seemed to work though, he sighed and moaned your name his face falling on your pillow. Somehow landing on the pillow woke him up and he glanced around quickly. "Did I say. ." he gulped, "out loud?" You raised an eyebrow at him, but before you could speak Addison came into the room. "Finally you're up." Alex shot up staring at you, "Is she being nice to me?" He still had many memories of Addison kicking him in well a not so good spot when they were younger. "Yes, Addison's always sweet," you smiled and got out of your bed taking the coffee. "I'm going to go take a shower, you two play nice."

Addison's POV

        "Soo. . . Gaskarth." "What?" "Do you like Rhiannon?" "She's my best friend, idiot. Of course I like her." "I don't mean like that, Alex. Don't make this like some high school drama. Do you have feelings for her?" "Like you would even let me." You snorted and raised an eyebrow at the man, "You're probably right. I don't want her feelings getting hurt again. Like after you've ended all of her relationships. Ohh, and whats the deal with the whole Jessica fiasco?" Alex had left for tour without telling the girl he was leaving or even trying to break up with her. Instead he left Rhiannon to manage his break up for him. "She's good in bed." "UGGHH! Your such a. ." You tried to hold back a huff as you tried to think of a word despicable enough for the man sitting on your friends bed. "What, Addison? I'm such a what?" You took a deep breath trying to remain calm, "So do you plan on getting back with Jessica?" He gave you a double look at how calm you suddenly were, "I don't know. Maybe. She's good to have around when I'm here." You rolled your eyes and looked at the door between the two of you and Rhiannon. "Just don't break Rhiannon's heart. I'll kick your ass."

Alex's POV

        You were watching Addison as she stood still near the door, while you remained seated on Rhiannon's bed. You saw her roll her eyes before she mumbled, "Just don't break Rhiannon's heart. I'll kick your ass." You smirked, knowing Addison would keep her word. It left you wondering why she would say that though. How could you break Rhiannon's heart? The two of you were just friends.

Rhiannon's POV

        You walked into silence and smirked, "Did you guys talk at all?" Addison sighed and Alex grunted before he said, "We exchanged a few words." Uh-oh. That could never mean anything good, especially with the silence filling the room. You looked at Addison hoping she hadn't said too much to him, she just smiled. "You ready to go shopping, babe?" She was back to the Addison you knew - laughing and light hearted. You glanced to Alex, "It's fine, I have to go home anyways." You heard him sigh and you suddenly realized the date. This was never a good day in the Gaskarth household. You sighed and whispered, "Give your mom my best." He nodded, "She'll probably want to have you guys over soon with me being back and all." His head held low, and you felt horrible for leaving him alone.

        He got up and walked out of your house without another word. No wonder he spent the night, he shouldn't be going home yet. You'd promised Addison to go shopping today though and you knew Alex would most likely reject you trying to comfort him now anyway.

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