Chapter Twenty-Four

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Rhiannon's POV

        You sighed as you heard a knock at your door, it was 6:41 pm and you were going to go crazy if that was Alex at the door already. He could be excited, but not that excited. You opened the door and sighed in relief as you saw it was your mom. "Thank goodness mom, you're here! Abby is ready, she's sitting on the couch watching tv. Do I look okay?" Your mother laughed, "Honey, slow down. You're acting like this is the first time you have ever been on a date. Even more your first date with Alex." You groan, "Mom, I haven't been on a date in over three years. What if I suck at it now?" She laughed again, "Its just Alex, he will understand." "That's the scary thing mom, it's Alex. He's always been able to make me all jittery inside. I don't know that I can let myself let him in again." Your mom then came up and hugged you, "Well the first step is to try. Now go get dressed! I doubt you're planning on going on a date in your robe." You smiled, "No, not really." "Go! Finish getting ready and then come say goodbye to Abby. We can wait to leave." "Thanks mom." "Now go!"

        About fifteen minutes later you heard another knock at the door, meaning Alex was most likely here. You smiled as you put on your last heel, knowing your mom would answer the door. Sure enough about a minute later you heard your mom call out, "Alex is here!" You laugh as you walk into the living room, "This does kind of feel like high school again." You stopped walking as you looked up to see Alex, his eyes were locked on you with a big smile on his face. "What are you smiling at, Gaskarth," you said with a wink before going to pick up Abby. "Grandma's going to take you back to her house and then I'll come to get you later okay?" "Okie mommy. Where are you and daddy going?" "We're going to go talk about some stuff, okay? Then I'll come and get you after we're done. Go to bed when grandma tells you to, alright?" "Awright." You hug Abby and then hand her to Alex. "Bye munchkin." She scrunches her face at the word munchkin, and replies with "Bye daddy."

You smile as your mom carries Abby out the door, and then you turn and smile at Alex. "Are you ready gorgeous?" "Of course." You smile again as he takes your hand and leads you out the door, pausing for you to lock it, and then takes you to his car. He stops and opens the passenger door for you and shuts it after you have sat down inside. You watch him as he walks around the car to get in as well. "Since when did you become such a gentleman?" "Since I am going on a date with the girl of my dreams and I can't screw it up." You shook your head and turned to look out of your window. He pulled into the restaurant's parking lot around ten minutes later, and even came around to open your door again.

        You were looking at your menu when Alex's foot would gently bump yours under the table. You smirked, he really was acting like you were in high school. After you ordered your food, you just kind of messed around with the napkin on your lap. "Did I mention how beautiful you look tonight, Rhiannon?" You blushed and looked up suddenly feeling like this was years ago before everything had happened between the two of you. "I don't believe you did." "Well you do," he said smiling. You felt pretty good, compared to the usual bland clothes that you usually wore now. Now that you were a mom, you didn't have time to mess around much with your appearance. You were wearing a dark green halter dress that fell right above your knees. The only difference now was that after you had Abby your bust was a little larger than it was before, and you had a few added curves. Although honestly you didn't mind, you felt better with your new body. It came as a result of having your child and you wouldn't trade that for the world. You knew you filled this dress out better than you would have before, and you were sure Alex didn't disagree. You had curled your hair so it cascaded in long blonde curls down your back, just like Alex had always liked it before. It had been your favorite way to wear your hair back then.

        Alex then put his hand out on the table for you to take, which you did. "I'm sorry for how everything happened back then, Rhiannon. I should have told you instead of ignoring you. The only good thing that came out of all of that was Abby." You smiled, "I know Alex. You don't need to apologize for things that happened years ago." "I feel like I do though. I've loved you for such a long time, and all I ever did was screw it up. Things were perfect between us before I went on tour and then that night when you came to see us, I fell apart. I knew then that by keeping all of that from you, I had made it worse. I felt like my heart had been ripped out of my chest, and there was nothing I could do to stop it because it had all been my fault." You frowned as Alex looked down at his lap and you realized how guilty he had felt for all of this time.

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