Chapter Twenty

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Rhiannon's POV

9 weeks and one day later.

        For the first five weeks of the tour everything was perfect. Alex called you every morning and every night. He would text you randomly throughout the day and before every show. It seemed like these six months would fly by in the beginning. You missed him a lot, and had only gotten to see him once during the third week when you went to see a show. It would be another five weeks from today before you would get to see him again.

        On the sixth week though everything seemed to change. He would still call you in the morning, around four. Which meant you would usually miss his call because were sleeping. If he did call again it was either when you were in class or at work. When you would call him back there would never be an answer. Your relationship at that point became purely texting, if you could even call that a relationship. He had called one night and left a voicemail, but you couldn't understand anything he was saying. You seemed to cling on to it though since it had become the only way to hear his voice other than their music.

Seven Days Ago:

            At the moment you were speaking to Jack. They had a show in Washington tonight, and everything was really busy. You could hear everyone bustling around in the background. "Hey Jack, is Alex okay?" "As far as I know, yeah. He has been a little distracted but I think its just been tour nerves." "Oh." "Why? Has he sounded odd when you've talked to him lately?" "I guess you could call it that. It has been almost three weeks since I have talked to him." "Are you serious?" You sighed, noting that Jack sounded confused. He didn't seem to know what was going on either. "Yeah." "Did you guys get into a fight?" You tried to think back over your phone calls, but nothing stood out. The two of you hadn't gotten into any arguments after they left. "Not that I know of." There was a pause from the other side of the phone before Jack responded, "Strange." "Exactly."

Present Day:

        You were working until four this afternoon and then you were going to All Time Low's concert. It was around a two hour drive and you were psyched. After tonight they would be spending the rest of the tour in Europe. For the most part everything had been really slow at work and you kept going over what you needed to do before you left. Your plan was to make it home in time to shower and get ready before you made the drive, deciding you could eat something quick as you drove. You had few customers at work today though and nothing was going on. You were talking to Becca when you glanced up to see Jessica walk in to the store. "Great. Here comes the b*tch from hell. I'll take this Rhiannon." You laughed, "Becca, its fine. If either of us should hate the other one, she should hate me. He was cheating on her with me. I kind of feel bad." Which caused Becca to roll her eyes as you walked up to the counter.

        "Hey! Welcome to Starbucks. What can I get started for you?" "Just a grande mint majesty tea and five minutes of your time. Can your friend make my tea please?" You nodded, quickly taking her cash and handing her the change and receipt. You beckoned Becca over, "Will you please make her the grande mint majesty tea? We're going to talk for a minute." She gave you a raised eyebrow and went to fix Jessica's tea.

        "I know that Alex has been on tour and that is why I came to see you here. I assume you are going to see their show tonight, and I'm sure Alex hasn't and probably won't tell you this. At least I'm positive he hasn't told you yet since you don't seem too upset to see me. I told him four weeks ago when I found out." Suddenly she backed up from the counter and put her hand on her stomach. "I'm pregnant, and it is Alex's baby."

Author's Note: Don't forget to check out my current story, My Reason is You.

I'm Not Your Average Girl Next Door [Alex Gaskarth Love Story]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora