Chapter Five

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        You were in Addison's car on the way to the mall, your head hung low. "Okay, so what was that about?" You sighed glancing down at your lap, "Today's the day his brother . . ." "Oh god. Do you want to go back? I am so sorry, I didn't know." "Its alright, it's not your fault. I didn't even know he'd be in town." You stared down at your lap for a while twisting your fingers anxiously. Whether or not Alex wanted your comfort, you should at least be there to offer it. Even if Addison despised the guy, you knew she would be completely understanding of the situation. Sighing again, you looked over at Addison, "But that would probably be a good idea."

        You got out of her car and thanked her for the idea of a shopping trip and promised to reschedule it for another day soon. That's when you realized you were supposed to talk to Becca. Becca was a girl you worked with at Starbucks who had recently become really good friends with you and Addison while the boys were on tour. "Hey, when you see Becca will you tell her I can't really do anything today and that I'll get with her later?" "You bet'cha baby!" She blew you a kiss laughing, causing you to laugh as well. You loved Addison, she always knew how to brighten your mood.

        As you were about to open the door, your sister Kira opened the door instead. "Ohh, hey Kira. Whats up?" "I'm going out with Shelby. Will you tell mom I'll be home by eleven if she doesn't find my note?" You laughed, your mom was really good at not answering your calls or finding your notes if you left them. The woman never checked her phone! Then she would call you in a panic, or yell at you when you got home for not knowing where you were. It made you laugh, because she would always realize that she'd have like ten missed calls and the note was right in front of her. It made Shelby mad, but you found it funny. It was just your mom.

        You walked into the house and up to your room, taking the stairs two at a time. You sat down on your bed and hit number two on your speed dial, the one and only Alex Gaskarth. The only reason he wasn't number one was because it came as your voicemail and you never seemed to be able to change it. You waited forever for him to answer his phone, but he didn't and it went to voicemail. "Hey you've reached the Alex Gaskarth. Leave a message, if not then FUCK YOU and have a nice day." It was followed by excessive giggling. You suddenly remembered that night like it was yesterday.


        You, Jack, and Alex were all hanging out in Alex's bedroom and Alex had just gotten a new phone. A twelve pack of beer was almost empty. You were a little tipsy, but Alex and Jack were pretty much wasted. They'd finished off a half empty bottle of vodka, and then the rest of a bottle of Jack. You had been laughing at the two and had ended up spread out on the floor. Almost finished with the twelve pack of beer, Alex had decided this was the best time to figure out how to work his new phone. You watched upside down as Alex kept just pushing what seemed to be random buttons. "Damn it, why are there so many buttons." You hiccupped, "maybe cause your seeing two of everything." He laughed and looked down at you from his bed, "you look good in two's Annie girl." You laughed and threw the pillow you'd been laying on at him. Jack sat up from the bean bag chair, "Woah, whats with the commotion in the ocean?" You laughed even harder, "You're such a dork Jack, that's why I love you." You then climbed into his lap snuggling against his chest, him petting your head and asking you to purr. "GUYYSS! I think I know how to use the voicemail." You laughed. "Okay, Okay here I go." He sat up straight and acted as though he was about to do something extremely important. You watched as he pushed the buttons until it was time to record his message. "Hey you've reached the Alex Gaskarth. Leave a message, if not then FUCK YOU and have a nice day." You all burst out laughing as Alex tried to figure out how to end the message. Since when does Alex wish anyone a good day?

>>Present Day!>>

        You had left Alex about twenty messages without any response. You weren't sure if he would have actually went home earlier or not. You were laying on your bed, arms behind your head, drifting on the verge of sleep when you heard:

Whoah-oh-oh how was I suppose to know, That you were o-o-over me, I think that I should go. (GO!) Something's telling me to leave but I won't. Cause I'm damned if I do ya, damned if I don't. Make a fool of myself when you hang around. When you're gone, I'm a match that's burning out. Could've been. . .

        You picked up your cell, "Hello?" "Hey, Annie girl, you called." He sounded down, and you felt the punch of guilt that you'd let him leave at all. You should have been with him all day and knew you'd have to coax him out of wherever he'd gotten himself. "Yeah, come back over, please. . . I'm . . . scared." "Of what?," he asked sighing. "Umm. . ." you tried processing a false story in your head fast as you glanced around. "There's this vehicle that keeps driving by the house really slowly, over and over again. Its creeping me out." He sighed again, "I'll be there in a few." "Thanks Alex." "No problem, Annie girl."

        You went down and laid on the couch so you would be there when he got to the house. You heard his car pull in, then the doorbell rang. You ran to it pulling it open and jumped in his arms hugging him. He gave a small laugh, "If there's a creep out there, you just open the door. Don't even check first?" You glanced up and smiled, "I knew it would be you." After that you two paused, your arms were still wrapped around his neck and his arms were wrapped tightly around your waist. You could feel your heartbeat become more rapid, his lips started coming towards yours. Then you thought - He's depressed, that's all. He doesn't actually want you Rhiannon. Knock it off! You slowly pulled away grabbing his hand, "Lets go watch another movie." He stared at you for a minute before nodding and following you up the stairs. He never let go of your hand.

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